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Started by bocin, December 04, 2010, 11:06:23 AM

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i tried to debug from visual studio 2008, but i got an error

here's the build log

Build Log

Build started: Project: hellomasm, Configuration: Debug|Win32

Command Lines

Creating temporary file "c:\Documents and Settings\Rizki Abrar\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\hellomasm\hellomasm\Debug\BAT0000097082540.bat" with contents
@echo off

ml.exe /c  /nologo /Fo"Debug\hellomasm.obj" /I "c:\irvine" /W3 /Zi /errorReport:prompt  /Ta".\hellomasm.asm"

if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError

goto VCEnd


echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Assembling..."

exit 1

Creating command line """c:\Documents and Settings\Rizki Abrar\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\hellomasm\hellomasm\Debug\BAT0000097082540.bat"""

Output Window

Assembling: .\hellomasm.asm
.\hellomasm.asm(3) : fatal error A1000: cannot open file : irvine32.lib
Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Assembling..."


Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\Rizki Abrar\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\hellomasm\hellomasm\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
hellomasm - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

give me a solution please.. thx


   Hey... did you remember to to specify that include or if it is in the reffered path? The error just means it cant find that library i think. Bye


i've already do that.. but it still can't find the library..


eschew obfuscation


i'm learning it now...

thx michaelw..

i let you know when i'm success...

thank you very much..


I follow all the instruction in the first chapter, when i build it.. i've got this error

1>Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Assembling..."

what is it mean??


You could try assembling your source with MASM, using a simple batch file, and see if it returns any errors.
eschew obfuscation


first time i open the make32.batch file..

the massage say:

MASM: fatal error A100: cannot open file: .asm
press any key to continue..

it is start confused me..
guide me further if you don't mind. .


If you are using the Irvine make32.bat, you need to specify the base name of the source (the name without the ".asm") on the batch file command line. Alternatively, you could modify the batch file replacing all instances of "%1" with the base name of the source.
eschew obfuscation


back to vs 2008

in the tutorial you give.. it is say that "You can verify that the Microsoft Assembler is installed by looking for the file ml.exe in the \vc\bin folder of your
Visual Studio installation directory, such as c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio x.x\vc\bin. ("x.x" may be 9.0,
10.0, or some variation of these)"

when i looking for it.. i don't see the ml.exe in my installation directory.. and the error massage say so..

is it the main problem why i can't build in visual studio??


   Could it be you haven't got masm32 installed? Or maybe you have but VS requires you specify the masm32\bin\ path in steeings.


i've already install.. but like you predicted, VS requires you specify the masm32\bin\ path in steeings.

but i don't know how?i try all the i way i've known..


My Computer - Properties (or Control Panel - System icon)
Advanced tab
Environment Variables button
System variables window
double-click Path variable

the paths are seperated by semicolons
the first one is usually C:\Windows\System32
i like to leave that one in the first place, and add my stuff after it
so, you will want to add

seperated from the other paths in the list by a semicolon


Quote from: bocin on December 04, 2010, 02:18:48 PM
when i looking for it.. i don't see the ml.exe in my installation directory.. and the error massage say so..
is it the main problem why i can't build in visual studio??

When you tried the batch file ML returned an error:

MASM: fatal error A100: cannot open file: .asm

So you have ML somewhere, and it was trying to assemble a .asm file with no base name. That was why I replied that you needed to specify the base name. I think you should go back to the batch file and sort that problem out first. If you cannot make it work then post your source and your batch file.
eschew obfuscation


hey guys.. i made it.. thanks for all of your suggestion.. it's really helpfull..  :cheekygreen:

thank you very much for mr.Michaelw and Mr.dedndave.. you guys are awesome...  :U