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FPULIB update

Started by raymond, January 07, 2010, 04:43:28 AM

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i fixed my links above
UtillMasm has a hard time with your site, for some reason - maybe due to being in China


I'm using a slightly modified FLtoA in the tester in order to display 17 digits (as compared to a maximum of 15 digits with the FpuFLtoA function. However, the decimal delimiter was being positioned off by one digit for scientific notation. This has been now corrected and all downloads have been updated. Sorry again for any inconvenience.

It would seem that Hutch has not succeeded yet in convincing China to allow their population access to his site. It's totally absurd on their part.
When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


well - UtillMasm seems to come in here fine - it is your site he can't d/l from - lol
that's why i posted the lib here
they probably have a "committee" of anal-retentives that approve or dis-approve sites
i am sure they have their work cut out for em - lol
if it is anything that educates their people (technically - not socially) - they don't object
it's just that there are so many sites to review, it may take forever


Quoteit is your site he can't d/l from

My "site" is graciously provided by Hutch from his own website.
When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time



Thanks for the update. Very nice.  :thumbu



long long time ago, is not available too.
(so american sale me a VPN account, a month 8rmb. :naughty:)


those damn American salesmen - lol


I think its just the location of the servers, the forum is located in the UK where Ray's site is east coast US up around Boston and it would seem that the firewall used in mainland China does not allow much access to continental US.
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QuoteRoger Dingledine, creator of Tor, reports that "some tens of thousands" of people appear to be using Tor from China on a weekly basis.23 (Why the Chinese government has, as of this writing, chosen not to block the proxy nodes used by Tor is unknown.)

Wouldn't a web browser with tor built-in (like OperaTor or whatever) allow him unrestricted web access?


Quote from: brethren on January 09, 2010, 10:13:21 PM
QuoteRoger Dingledine, creator of Tor, reports that "some tens of thousands" of people appear to be using Tor from China on a weekly basis.23 (Why the Chinese government has, as of this writing, chosen not to block the proxy nodes used by Tor is unknown.)

Wouldn't a web browser with tor built-in (like OperaTor or whatever) allow him unrestricted web access?

china did block tor, thats why the tor team created bridges.


I've expanded the tester to also display the binary representation of the data in the source and destination memory locations used by the function. This may be useful for those who may want to visualize primarily how floats may appear in memory.

The download file of my original post has been updated accordingly.
When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


I have recently noticed a flaw in the Fpulibtester, which was affecting the use of its FpuXexpY function.

The source of the flaw was the addition of the FpuMod function to the library after the tester was designed. The function was later added to the tester but some of the parsing code related to the integer conversion functions was inadvertantly left as it was. The FpuXexpY function being the last one in alphabetical order, its parameters were being interpreted as those of the smdtoa function! :red The integer conversion functions were also not being treated correctly, in addition to the umqtoa not even being shown in the drop down list.

Corrections have now been made. The download file of my original post has again been updated accordingly. The zip file for the Fpulib ( has also been updated accordingly to include the corrected tester.
When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


Thank you gentlemen  :U


Thanks again Ray for your great tutorials and libraries.  I use Simply FPU all the time for reference.


glad you found it, Ray   :U
the forum without you would be like a day without er um whiskey   :P