program have bug.....please help...thanks.!

Started by guesehsaio, May 09, 2005, 06:47:26 AM

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i have some problem....i wrote a DIMM test program,but first time returned "System Fail Address" is
right! my sample is "single bit" fail IC.and second times and another times returned "System Fail Address" is wrong..i have verify @ debug32! that's  inaccuracy about 80h...please help me! thanks.

check_board_55 proc near
    mov edi,MEMBASE
    mov eax,055555555h
    mov ecx,MEMSIZE / 4
    mov es:[edi],eax
    add edi,4
    loopd loop3
    mov edi,MEMBASE
    mov ecx,MEMSIZE / 4
    mov eax,055555555H
    cmp eax,es:[edi]
    jz check_55
    print_pattern  string2
    ;call pattern_name
    call badcmp
    add edi,04h
    loopd loop4

string2 db "Check_Board_55 ",10,13,'$'
check_board_55 EndP
badcmp proc near
    ;call save_to_disk
    push eax          ;eax:expect value
    mov ebx,es:[edi]  ;ebx:Fail DQ (Value)
    mov eax,edi       ;eax:System Fail ADDR. 
    CALL Swap_eax   ;print system fail addr.
    mov eax,ebx
    CALL Swap_eax ;print Fail DQ (Value)
    pop eax
    CALL Swap_eax ; print  expect value

    mov dx,offset badmsg
    push ax   
    mov ah,9
    int 21h
    pop ax   
    ;jmp loop_limit
    ret       ;
badcmp endp   ;
msg     db      "Failure attempting to init a20 line",10,13,'$'
goodmsg db      "Memory Test Pass",10,13,'$'
badmsg  db      "Memory Test Failed",10,13,'$'
chang_row db    " ",10,13,'$'
      PUSH    AX
      ADD     DL,30H
      CMP     DL,'9'
      JBE     OK
      ADD     DL,7
OK:             MOV     AH,2
      INT     21H
      POP     AX
print_ax_1      proc near
      MOV     CL,4
      MOV     DL,AL
      SHR     DL,CL
      CALL    PRINT_AX
      MOV     DL,AL
      ;SHR     DL,CL
      AND     DL,0FH
      CALL    PRINT_AX
      MOV     DL,AH
      SHR     DL,CL
      CALL    PRINT_AX
      MOV     DL,AH
      ;SHR     DL,CL
      AND     DL,0FH
      CALL    PRINT_AX
print_ax_1      endp
print_ax_2     proc near
      MOV     CL,4
      MOV     DL,AH
      SHR     DL,CL
      CALL    PRINT_AX
      MOV     DL,AH
      AND     DL,0FH
      CALL    PRINT_AX
      MOV     DL,AL
      SHR     DL,CL
      CALL    PRINT_AX
      MOV     DL,AL
      AND     DL,0FH
      CALL    PRINT_AX
print_ax_2      endp

Swap_Eax proc near   
    ;push eax
    BSWAP eax             
    call print_ax_1   
    BSWAP eax
    ;pop eax                   
    call print_ax_2   
    mov dx,offset chang_row
    mov ah,9
    int 21h
Swap_Eax endp


When badcmp is called from loop4, the loop counter (ECX) is being changed by print_ax_1 and print_ax_2.

Your code is hard to understand. Code like that is more likely to contain hard-to-find errors. If I were doing this I would try to organize and simplify the code, and use procedure names that describe what the procedure does. For example, PRINT_AX, print_ax_1, print_ax_2, and Swap_Eax could be replaced by a single smaller procedure named printhex, or printvalue, or printhexvalue, or something similar. And I would code all of the procedures to preserve any register that the procedure changes, except registers that are used to return a value to the caller.
eschew obfuscation


Michael...thank your suggestion! i went to great pains for this program,because no plan before programing ..actually my program is very hard to understand,and thank you again... :thumbu
i try to preserve (ECX),but the same.second time=returned wrong system address
i think,effect edi?? because my system address is  preserve  @ edi ...but i can't find errors to prove
edi issue...................thank you very much!

Swap_Eax proc near   
    push eax
    push edx
    push ecx
    BSWAP eax             
    call print_ax_1   
    BSWAP eax
    call print_ax_2   
    mov dx,offset chang_row
    mov ah,9
    int 21h
    pop ecx
    pop edx
    pop eax
Swap_Eax endp


Using print_ax_1 and print_ax_2 is inefficient.  Consider using just one and calling it something like splitprint_eax or similar.  I can see why you did it that way, though.



Quote from: pbrennick on May 11, 2005, 02:42:40 PM
Using print_ax_1 and print_ax_2 is inefficient.  Consider using just one and calling it something like splitprint_eax or similar.  I can see why you did it that way, though.


thanks...i'm a beginner.i want to print "eax" register...but i have no idea except this...
Pual Thank program so confusion.. thanks...!!!


Quote from: pbrennick on May 11, 2005, 02:42:40 PM
Using print_ax_1 and print_ax_2 is inefficient.  Consider using just one and calling it something like splitprint_eax or similar.  I can see why you did it that way, though.


Thanks Pual and Michael ...
i try to found fixed ES=0000,it's ok.....! are my helpful friends....