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Text Mangling Tool.

Started by hutch--, November 04, 2010, 07:09:18 AM

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this is a tool designed to increase the complexity of someone casually editing your binary file by changing the string contents. In unprotected executable files the initialised data section is visible in a HEX editor and string contents can be easily changed. This tool encrypts the string against a random pad then writes the results to a procedure in random order. When the procedure is called in the executable it writes the instructions to memory them XORs it against the random pad to produce the original string for the application.

It is not a particularly powerful form of encryption as both the pad and the encrypted data are available in the executable but it is a very messy and complicated task to untangle the data and change it in the binary. There is a simple example that shows the result in the ZIP file but it can be made more complex again by checksumming the procedure that stores the data in instruction form so that if the executable is modified it can react and do whatever the author requires. (Format the hard disk, send an email back to the author etc etc ....).

Dedicated to making the life of some snivelling script kiddie a little more miserable.  :bg
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