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Installation Trouble

Started by Spidey, October 09, 2010, 07:55:51 PM

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I'm trying to install MASM32 on a windows 7 machine. I tried running the examples but have so far been unsuccessful. If I open the .asm file in qeditor and hit assemble, it says "assembling.." in the console window but no .obj shows up. However if I copy the .asm file over to the root directory [c:/masm32] the .obj file shows up and runs fine. Does anyone know what could be causing this and how I can fix it ?

Also, I was trying to set up MASM32 with visual studio and am not successful there either. If I try running a code which includes masm32 file from the visual studio projects folder, it runs flawlessly, but if I try running it from anywhere else, it can't find the masm32 includes. I tried adding the masm32/includes folder to the project but then it can't find files which masm32 headers are trying to include eg[] Does anyone know how I can get visual  studio to work with masm32 ?




I have a win7 64 bit box and masm32 installs and runs correctly on it. What you must do is make sure your profile settings or AV software does not prevent the installation from writing to disk or building the libraries. Check in the LIB directory if the l9braries have been built, if not something in your OS setup has obstructed the build. Just delete the mess and do the install again making sure your settings will allow the disk writes.

Once you get it going there are people here who have set up masm32 with VC or VS.
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Well, I turned of my AV and tried reinstalling. Same problem. I checked the libs folder and there are 320 items in it. I still can't get an obj file to generate. Here is what I get when I build tutorial 1

Assembling: C:\masm32\tutorial\console\demo1\hello.asm
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 842F-6A85

Directory of C:\masm32\tutorial\console\demo1

02/06/2004  04:59 PM             1,776 hello.asm
               1 File(s)          1,776 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  57,489,051,648 bytes free


The strange thing is that the same file works without trouble from VS if I try building it from the VS projects folder. But anywhere else on my computer VS can't find the required include files. I tried setting include path so that VS can find masm32, but it only works if I remove the leading "\" in the include file name, and in that case it can't find the files which the other includes are including [eg:]. What is the purpose of the leading "\" and how can I get VS to work with the \ present.



Difficult to say why VS should make trouble, especially since both Masm and VS seem to be on C:
The \ says "start from the root", i.e. use e.g. D:\masm32\include\ if your installation happens to be on D:
That saves a lot of typing to those members who do not have it on C: ...
Try to get the full path of the VS executable, and to launch it via a LNK or BAT file from the folder where your ASM file sits.


Ah, I see. That makes sense. Well, I figured it out, On my computer B:/[custom partition] was set as the root, so all the files were looking in that drive. Copying masm32 over to that folder fixed all the problems. Thanks!


Actually I have one more question. How do I make c:/ my root again so that I don't have this problem with other software later ?

Ramon Sala

All that I can say is that MASM32 v10 installs and runs correctly on my Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit and on drive C: (no AV software installed).

Greetings from Catalonia