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basic hla not building.

Started by hyperion, January 23, 2011, 05:28:51 AM

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Hey all

Ive got hla installed at c:\hla
Ive got nmake in there - aswell as nmake installed via visual studio.

Ive got HIDE and Radasm installed correctly.

However - teaching myself assembly and HLA/MASM via the book "The art of assembly" is vexing me..

The following code just wont build.

program intInput;

#include( "stdlib.hhf" )

   i8: int8;
   i16: int16;
   i32: int32;

begin intInput;
   // Read integers of varying sizes from user:
   stdout.put("Enter a small integer between -128 and +127: ");
   mov(al, i8);
   stdout.put("Enter a small integer between -32768 and +32767: ");
   mov(ax, i16);
   stdout.put("Enter a small integer between +/- 2 billion: ");
   mov(eax, i32);
   //Now display input
      "Here are the numbers you entered:". nl, nl,
      "Eight-bit integer: ", i8:12, nl,
      "16-bit integer:    ", i16:12, nl,
      "32-bit integer:    ", i32:12, nl
end intInput;

The errors I get from trying to build in both HIDE and radasms are that nmake is expected '(' but instead got a '.' at line 19.

Which is the line..
It seems its struggling with the 2 "gets" for some reason.

here is a copy of the error from HIDE below..

Build :C:\mycode\assembly\hla code\testhla\testhla.hla
-C:\mycode\assembly\hla code\testhla\testhla.hla
Error in file "C:\mycode\assembly\hla code\testhla\testhla.hla" at line 19 [errid:129196/hlaparse.c]:
syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting '('.
Near: << . >>

Error in file "C:\mycode\assembly\hla code\testhla\testhla.hla" at line 19 [errid:4213/hlaparse.bsn]:
Expected ';', encountered 'geti16'.
Near: << geti16 >>

HLAPARSE assembly failed with 2 errors
Return :2
Build done
Processes launched : 1
Errors Returned :0

Anyone help? the code is character perfect to that which is in the book..
Scratches head******



there is no such function as stdin.get.geti16() or stdin.get.geti32().  they must be a typos somewhere.

the correct functions are


Thanks for the assisst.

Problem solved :)

Now I can get on with studying - with a watchfulll eye for typos ^^
