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Struct help!

Started by Artoo, April 28, 2005, 11:04:05 AM

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Hello All!

Can someone please help me regarding struct!

I have:

mystruct STRUCT
  mypoint    POINT     <?,?>
  data1      DWORD      ?
  data2      DWORD      ?
mystruct ENDS

but the assembler reports an error:

error A2163: non-benign structure redefinition: incorrect initializers : mystruct

The assembler marked the 'mypoint' as the culprit!  :(

Does anyone have any ideas??


It treats a structure as a single item, so you only need one '?'

mystruct STRUCT
  mypoint    POINT     <?>
  data1      DWORD      ?
  data2      DWORD      ?
mystruct ENDS
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


I tried that...but it gives the same error?


should be without the ?, just
mypoint POINT <>


.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

mystruct STRUC
  mypoint    POINT     <?,?>
  data1      DWORD      ?
  data2      DWORD      ?
mystruct ENDS

end start

no prob on assembling it here ...


Apparently you have more than one definition of mystruct, with different meanings (that's the "non-benign" part, MASM tolerates multiple definitions as long as they're identical).

BTW, these lines do the exact same thing:

mypoint POINT <>
mypoint POINT <?,?>


Search your program source and its dependencies for another occurrence of mypoint.  If you have trouble finding it, slightly alter it in the structure and also whereever it is used in your source and the problem will disappear.  You could capitalize the 'm' for instance.  Just make sure you modify all occurrences of 'mypoint' in your source.



Thanks for all your replies....

I had tried all the changes you suggested already. Before I even posted the original.

I have an inkling that it might be todo with where its declared. eg .data?

I have it declared in an INC file that I include from my main asm file. I dont think <trying to remember my code> the inc file has .data?

Would this be the issue?

I cant try it now as I am at work. 

Thanks again.