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Custom hash algorithm

Started by jpam, September 08, 2010, 02:58:13 PM

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just a question about some custom hash algorithm.

i made 2 complete different Proc's
one normal and a version that is using mmx
i should be simple, but this algorithm is driving me nuts @!# 

mybe a asm diehard can point me to the right direction ?
i would be very happy to see what i am doing wrong   

the output from both the proc's gives me 8E244C8179D31E12
but it should be                                      8E245D9679D31E12

source html page with the sample avi file is

Thanks in advance for anyone who want to look at it.

HashFormat1   db "%.8X%.8X",0

Calc_Hash proc uses esi ebx edx pFile:dword

LOCAL hFile:dword, fSize:dword, NBR:dword, pMem:dword
LOCAL Result[8]:byte

invoke CreateFile,pFile,GENERIC_ALL,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0
mov hFile,eax
jz @Error

invoke GetFileSize,hFile,0
mov fSize,eax
push eax

invoke GlobalAlloc,GPTR,131072
mov pMem,eax

invoke ReadFile,hFile,pMem,65536,addr NBR,NULL
sub fSize,65536
add pMem,65536
invoke SetFilePointer,hFile,fSize,NULL,FILE_BEGIN
invoke ReadFile,hFile,pMem,65536,addr NBR,NULL
invoke CloseHandle,hFile

sub pMem,65536
mov esi,pMem
mov ecx,131072
pop eax
mov edx,eax

add edx,[esi]
add ebx,[esi+4]
add esi,8
sub ecx,8
jnz @B

push edx
push ebx
invoke wsprintf,addr Result,addr HashFormat1
PrintString Result
pop eax
pop eax
jmp @F

szText error7,"CreateFile error"
invoke MessageBox,0,addr error7,addr error7,MB_OK

invoke GlobalFree,pMem

Calc_Hash endp

HashFormat1   db "%.8X%.8X",0

Calc_Hash proc pFile:dword

LOCAL hFile:dword, NBR:dword
LOCAL fSize:dword,count:dword
LOCAL uint64:qword,tmp64:qword

invoke CreateFile,pFile,GENERIC_ALL,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0
mov hFile,eax
jz @Error

invoke GetFileSize,hFile,0
movd mm0,eax
mov fSize,eax
mov count,0

invoke ReadFile,hFile,addr uint64,8,addr NBR,NULL
paddd mm0,qword ptr [uint64]
inc count
cmp count,8192
jnz @B

sub fSize,65536
invoke SetFilePointer,hFile,fSize,NULL,FILE_BEGIN
mov count,0

invoke ReadFile,hFile,addr uint64,8,addr NBR,NULL
paddd mm0,qword ptr [uint64]
inc count
cmp count,8192
jnz @B

movd eax,mm0
push eax
punpckhdq mm0,mm0
movd eax,mm0
push eax

invoke wsprintf,addr tmp64,addr HashFormat1
PrintString tmp64
jmp @F

szText error8,"CreateFile error"
invoke MessageBox,0,addr error8,addr error8,MB_OK

invoke CloseHandle,hFile

Calc_Hash endp


i'd be careful with writing a hash alg, the chances of collisions are very high, and obviously being insecure, not sure if you care about that though.


You're not doing a 64-bit sum, you're doing two separate 32-bit sums - you need to account for overflow ('carry'); which is why the lower half is correct, but not the upper.
(Unchecked, but I'm guessing this is what you want to do.)

add edx,[esi]
adc ebx,[esi+4]    ; <-- add-with-carry
add esi,8
sub ecx,8
jnz @B

No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Tedd !!!

thanks for looking at the code !
never cross my mind to use adc, it works flawless now !

:U :U