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What am I doing wrong?

Started by julioposa2, September 08, 2010, 11:38:18 AM

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Thank you for all your replies.

I'm a bit disappointed with MASM.
I started in the ASM world in the old 16 bits DOS years, using TASM, but when Windows and the 32 bits came I complete lost track because I hadn't enough time for this hobby. Now I want to catch up the 32 and 64 bits asm world and I though that MASM was a good assembler to stick to, but from what I have read, the 64 bits support is very limited.

I'm now discovering that there are many other alternatives (JWASM, GoASM, PoASM, NASM, etc), but I don't know with one to pick up. As I'm almost starting up I don't mind choosing an assembler with different directives and nomenclature (as NASM), but I'm a bit lost.

Could you please recommend me one with good support? HLL and support for other platforms like LLC would be desirable.

Thank you very much.


Hi julioposa2,

I would strongly recommend Jwasm. Japheth is maintaining the tool and it's a Masm compatible assembler. It supports 16,32 and 64-bit programming.

Another alternative is Pelle's Poasm. It's nearly a Masm compatible assembler but there are some differences concerning macros.


invoke MySub, OFFSET label1 - OFFSET label2

There is only one solution if this expression don't work.The linker reallocate this labels at compile time and you have to use the lea instruction instead of offset.