What is the base for deciding whether a language is "assembly language" or not??

Started by hackerlabs, July 19, 2010, 11:34:28 AM

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The distinction is between abstract systems and hardware, each hardware type has its native language which is usually referred to as an assembler but when you use the term for an abstract system you are using it differently to hardware related instruction sets. The plus for abstract systems is it is portable in at least some instances where the assembler for one form of hardware will not work on another, x86 v PPC v Motorola 68k v Z80 etc ....
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Um...not really, no.
But remember the post in the HLA forum?
About writing a kernel in HLA?
You'd posted a reply - so in my dictionary, we're acquainted :P


Quote from: hutch-- on July 19, 2010, 01:50:07 PM

The distinction is between abstract systems and hardware, each hardware type has its native language which is usually referred to as an assembler but when you use the term for an abstract system you are using it differently to hardware related instruction sets. The plus for abstract systems is it is portable in at least some instances where the assembler for one form of hardware will not work on another, x86 v PPC v Motorola 68k v Z80 etc ....

Now that clears the mist up :P
Yeah. Thanks, Hutch!