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MASM 8.0 x86 Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition

Started by CollegeBoy88, July 12, 2010, 10:52:09 PM

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MASM 8.0 x86 Package installation crashes before it even starts. I had Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition previously installed, but it still wouldn't work.

Any ideas?



If you mean MASM32 package 8.0 you should probably download the latest version 10.0
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


yes - and tell your professor to update his stuff   :P
welcome to the forum   :U


 think he probably means the Microsoft ML.EXE uograde version 8.0 which was designed for and earlier version of VC. Get the current version from Microsoft, version 10.0.
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I was referring to this tool, please follow the link:

Please let me know if anyone manages to install it.

In the meantime, I took your advice, downloaded MASM32 Version 10 and installed it on my hard drive.

Now, how do I start coding, compiling and running? Should I use the MASM32 Editor located on my Desktop to do this?

I'm a third year student preparing for an exam and I've been reading 'The Art of Assembly' book by Randall Hyde, but laboratory exercises in the book are done in an older version of MASM, which I can't find to download.


with masm, there is really nothing to install, per se
it is a command-line tool, basically
however, in order to use it with VC, it may have to be in a specific location
it is also nice to set up a few environment variables, if you want to call that "installation"

that having been said....
you can extract the ml.exe file from the installer
you can use programs like WinRAR, etc - i use 7-zip
extract the downloaded installer file
inside that, you will find a file named setup.exe
extract the files from that - there are 2 files - one is an MSI file - the other is a CAB file
extract the file from the file named masm1.CAB
inside that CAB is a file named "FL_ml_exe_____X86.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8"
rename that file to ml.exe and put it where you want it   :U
for us masm32 users, that would be the masm32\bin folder
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 8.00.50727.104
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


The MASM32 Editor (\masm32\qeditor.exe) is quite ok for small to medium-sized programs.
Here is a two-pager giving some hints on the most common problems for beginners.
Welcome to the Forum :thumbu


Thanks a lot. Your guidance has been very helpful.

I'd like to ask you if there is a substitute for CodeView in qeditor.exe. Is there any way I could make the assembly code running one step at a time or view the content of the registers and memory locations?


See the topic on Symbolic Debugger in this forum.



Thanks a lot.   :thumbu You're doing a great job at the forum.