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PE version patcher

Started by Ficko, July 08, 2010, 09:02:52 AM

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Some of you guys are propable aware of the fact that if you generate an executable with "Link.exe" - I think - above version 9.0 your executable will be refused by
OS Windows 2000 - and may by others as well -

This is due to the improper OS versioning in the PE header - too high -

"Link" has a switch to overwrite this number but intentionally - I suppose ::) - broken by MS.

I use this tool "PE Version patcher" to patch the executable.

However there is no source and like any other such utility you risk some unwanted trojans.

So the assignment: :bg

I think the program is ridiculously simple for some who knows a little about PE headers. - Not me :wink -

Maybe in "JJ" MASM Basic is just 3 commands

LoadPEheader "C:\My.exe"
SavePEheader "C:\My.exe"

I guess would be great if someone could post a somewhat equivalent prg to above with source. ::) :P


You can use /VERSION:major[.minor] linker option.


Quote from: gwapo on July 08, 2010, 09:34:33 AM
You can use /VERSION:major[.minor] linker option.

Try it like I sad dosn't work. :toothy

And you may wanna patch something you do not have the source, like the linker itself. :bg


Quote from: Ficko on July 08, 2010, 09:44:20 AM
Quote from: gwapo on July 08, 2010, 09:34:33 AM
You can use /VERSION:major[.minor] linker option.

Try it like I sad dosn't work. :toothy

It's working for me  :bg
I'm using: "Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.30319.01"
Probably they've already fixed it with the linker version I'm using.


I think you are talking about the "Image Version".

That info is useless.

The OS by loading the exe is checking only the "Operating System Version" info - sofar I know - ::)


totally correct, it checks the windows version (4.0 = 2k if i remember right) NOT the linker version,
could also be caused by an api used which is present in xp but not 2k etc..


Quote from: Ficko on July 08, 2010, 09:02:52 AM
Maybe in "JJ" MASM Basic is just 3 commands

At least 4...
include \masm32\MasmBasic\
Open "U", #1, CL$()  ; open commandline arg for updating
Seek #1, 123
Print #1:2, Chr$(97, 0)  ; inserts "a" and a nullbyte at pos 123
end start


Holly Sh.*?! I was just kidding.  :clap:

I wonder this really works in every case ?! ::)


I'm sorry, but there is a little more involved with editing a PE32 header unless you are using precalculated offsets for patching. The most common method i have seen is to either map the file or read it into memory and taking this as the base address as well as a pointer to a structure named IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, adding the e_lfanew member of this structure to the base address yields the offset of the PE header (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS).

Another way i've seen is to use SetFilePointer and ReadFile:

1. Open file handle and read first 2 bytes of file, confirm they're 'MZ'
2. Set file pointer - SetFilePointer,hFile,3Ch,0,FILE_BEGIN
3. Read 4 bytes - e_lfanew
4. Set file pointer - SetFilePointer,hFile,e_lfanew,0,FILE_BEGIN
5. Read 4 bytes, confirm they're 'PE',0,0
6. Set file pointer - SetFilePointer,hFile,offset_of_desired_member - 4,0,FILE_CURRENT
7. Write desired data
8. Close file handle



The one he is looking is in Optional Header at offset C0h (Major OS version) and C2h (Minor OS version) respectively. As I said earlier, I was able to set these values with 4.0 using the linker option /VERSION:4.0
If you don't trust MS linker, then use Pelle's linker (polink.exe), it's included in MASM32 distribution as well.


Quote from: gwapo on July 08, 2010, 03:17:33 PM
The one he is looking is in Optional Header at offset C0h (Major OS version) and C2h (Minor OS version) respectively.
With polink, the /version switch sets C4h and C6h for me - major and minor image versions. Same for link 9.0, but at offsets FC and FE...


FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Quote from: jj2007 on July 08, 2010, 06:00:35 PM
With polink, the /version switch sets C4h and C6h for me - major and minor image versions. Same for link 9.0, but at offsets FC and FE...

You're right, /VERSION is for image version, and not for OS version. Thanks for correcting me  :toothy


Perhaps you want /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,4.00 or /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,4.00
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Quote from: clive on July 08, 2010, 07:25:40 PM
Perhaps you want /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,4.00 or /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,4.00

LINK : warning LNK4010: invalid subsystem version number 4.00; default subsystem version assumed

That what I was talking about above MS "intentionally" crippled the linker. ::)
Prehabs they want to prevent something else like not to try run .NET 3.0 on Windows 2000 or god knows.

Quote from: qWord on July 08, 2010, 06:19:20 PM
maybe also interesting: CFF Explorer

Nice finding! :U