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WriteFile File Size problem

Started by Mr Earl, April 24, 2005, 11:14:27 AM

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Mr Earl

I have a file with bad data at the beginning.  To correct it I shifted the good data up over the bad data.
I changed the File Size, reset the File Pointer and re-wrote the file using the smaller File Size.
The problem is that when I examined the output, the bad data was correctly shifted out, but the File Size
was not changed, and I had the same sized file, now with garbage at the end.
What did I do wrong, or what else do I have to do to get the File Size changed?


Depending on the type of database, the answer can vary.  I think the amount of records is being stored in there somewhere.  This would cause that exact effect.  If the database is not too large and is not propietory, I will look at it for you.  BTW: a lot of database handlers offer a way to rebuild themselves.


Mr Earl

Paul,  I'm not using a database, this is a simple 1-record File using the API invokes for heap,open,read,write, etc.  In this program the File Size and the Record Size are the same, since it is a 1-record File.  The problem is not a record count problem, but a byte count for the file size.  At other times I have had to INCREASE the file size (record size) and the Size was increased correctly.
Simply put, this is the command that isn't working right:

   mov FILESIZE,ecx
   INVOKE WriteFile,hFile,\
               ADDR SizeReadWrite,\

The FILESIZE that I specified is NOT applied to the output file.  The size remains the same as it was before I re-wrote File.  Maybe you can't DECREASE the File Size unless you re-create it?


  Use SetFilePointer with the filesize you want and then use SetEndOfFile .
DWORD SetFilePointer(
    HANDLE hFile,   // handle of file
    LONG lDistanceToMove,   // number of bytes to move file pointer
    PLONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh,   // address of high-order word of distance to move 
    DWORD dwMoveMethod    // how to move

BOOL SetEndOfFile(
    HANDLE hFile    // handle of file whose EOF is to be set

Thomas :U
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Mr Earl

Thank you Thomas!  Problem solved.


There is no need to use the SetFilePointer after the WriteFile operation. You can simply use SetEndOfFile before closing the file.

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time