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Data Base

Started by Farabi, January 16, 2010, 04:34:53 AM

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Hi all,
Im planned to make a database function and I want to make it reusable.

Here is what come to my mind.


fDataB struct
nSize dword 0
nType dword 0
lpData dword 0
fDataB ends

fDataBFile struct
nData dword 0
lpData dword 0
fDataBFile ends


; Low Level Function- Internal Use
fDataBaseCreatefDataB proc uses esi edi nSize:dword,nType:dword,lpData:dword

mov ecx,nSize
add ecx,8
invoke mAlloc,ecx
mov esi,eax

push nSize
add dword ptr[esp],8
pop [esi].fDataB.nSize
push nType
pop [esi].fDataB.nType

.if lpData==0
invoke MessageBox,0,CADD("Data pointing to a zero memory address. System error and will be terminated"),0,0
invoke GlobalFree,esi

lea eax,[esi].fDataB.lpData
invoke MemCopy,lpData,eax,nSize

mov eax,esi

fDataBaseCreatefDataB endp

fDataBaseAddData proc uses esi edi lpStruct:dword,lpfDataB:dword,nPosition:dword
LOCAL data_ln,data_cpyd:dword
LOCAL nmem:dword

mov esi,lpStruct
mov ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData

.if ecx==0
invoke mAlloc,4
push eax
pop [esi].fDataBFile.lpData
mov ecx,lpfDataB
mov dword ptr[eax],ecx
inc [esi].fDataBFile.nData
.if ecx<nPosition
mov ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData
mov data_ln,ecx
shl data_ln,2
inc ecx
shl ecx,2
invoke mAlloc,ecx

push eax
invoke MemCopy,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData,eax,data_ln
invoke GlobalFree,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData
pop [esi].fDataBFile.lpData
inc [esi].fDataBFile.nData

mov ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData
dec ecx
mov eax,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData

push lpfDataB
pop dword ptr [eax+ecx*4]
.elseif ecx>=nPosition
mov ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData
mov data_ln,ecx
shl data_ln,2
inc ecx
shl ecx,2
invoke mAlloc,ecx
mov nmem,eax

mov ecx,nPosition ; Calculate the data length
dec ecx
shl ecx,2
mov data_cpyd,ecx
invoke MemCopy,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData,nmem,ecx

mov ecx,nPosition ; Calculate data position
dec ecx

mov eax,nmem
push lpfDataB
pop dword ptr[eax+ecx*4] ; Put it on the new memory

; Now is the hardest part
; Calculate the remaining data lenght and copy it

mov ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData
sub ecx,nPosition
inc ecx ;It so annoying when we need to adjust from 0 based to 1 based
shl ecx,2

mov eax,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData
add eax,data_cpyd
mov edx,nmem
add edx,data_cpyd
add edx,4

invoke MemCopy,eax,edx,ecx

invoke GlobalFree,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData
push nmem
pop [esi].fDataBFile.lpData
inc [esi].fDataBFile.nData


fDataBaseAddData endp

fDataBaseGetData proc uses esi edi lpStruct:dword,nPosition:dword

mov esi,lpStruct
mov ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData

.if nPosition>ecx
xor eax,eax
dec eax

mov eax,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData
mov ecx,nPosition
dec ecx
mov eax,[eax+ecx*4]

fDataBaseGetData endp


; Use this function each time you want to add data
fDataBaseAdd proc uses esi edi lpStruct:dword,nSize:dword,nType:dword,lpData:dword

mov esi,lpStruct
invoke fDataBaseCreatefDataB,nSize,nType,lpData
invoke fDataBaseAddData,esi,eax,0fffffffeh

fDataBaseAdd endp

fDataBaseInsert proc uses esi edi lpStruct:dword,nSize:dword,nType:dword,lpData:dword,nPosition:dword

mov esi,lpStruct
invoke fDataBaseCreatefDataB,nSize,nType,lpData
invoke fDataBaseAddData,esi,eax,nPosition

fDataBaseInsert endp

fDataBaseDelete proc uses esi edi lpStruct:dword,nPosition:dword
LOCAL data_ln,data_cpyd:dword
LOCAL nmem:dword

mov esi,lpStruct
mov ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData

.if ecx==0
.if ecx<nPosition
dec ecx
shl ecx,2

push ecx
invoke mAlloc,ecx
mov nmem,eax
pop ecx
invoke MemCopy,nmem,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData,ecx
dec [esi].fDataBFile.nData

.elseif ecx>=nPosition

sub ecx,nPosition
shl ecx,2
mov data_ln,ecx

mov ecx,nPosition
dec ecx
shl ecx,2
mov data_cpyd,ecx

invoke fDataBaseGetData,esi,nPosition
invoke GlobalFree,eax

mov ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData
dec ecx
shl ecx,2
invoke mAlloc,ecx
mov nmem,eax

invoke MemCopy,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData,nmem,data_cpyd
mov ecx,data_cpyd
add ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData
add ecx,4

mov edx,nmem
add edx,data_cpyd
invoke MemCopy,ecx,edx,data_ln

push nmem
invoke GlobalFree,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData
pop [esi].fDataBFile.lpData

dec [esi].fDataBFile.nData


fDataBaseDelete endp

fDataBaseEdit proc uses esi edi lpStruct:dword,nSize:dword,nType:dword,lpData:dword,nPosition:dword
LOCAL old_data:dword

mov esi,lpStruct

invoke fDataBaseGetData,esi,nPosition
invoke GlobalFree,eax

invoke fDataBaseCreatefDataB,nSize,nType,lpData

mov edx,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData
mov ecx,nPosition
dec ecx
mov [edx+ecx*4],eax

fDataBaseEdit endp


; Disk Function
fDataBaseWrite proc uses esi edi lpStruct:dword, lpFileName:dword
LOCAL fsize:dword
LOCAL data,data_offset:dword

mov esi,lpStruct

.if [esi].fDataBFile.nData==0
xor eax,eax
dec eax

xor ecx,ecx
mov data_offset,ecx
mov fsize,ecx
;inc ecx
mov eax,[esi].fDataBFile.lpData
mov eax,[eax+ecx*4]
mov eax,[eax].fDataB.nSize
add fsize,eax
inc ecx
cmp ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData
jl loop_get_size

add fsize,4
invoke mAlloc,fsize
mov data,eax
mov dword ptr[eax],"FDB1"
add data,4

xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx
invoke fDataBaseGetData,esi,ecx
mov ecx,[eax].fDataB.nSize
mov edx,data
add edx,data_offset
add data_offset,ecx
invoke MemCopy,eax,edx,ecx
inc ecx
cmp ecx,[esi].fDataBFile.nData
jl loop_write

sub data,4
invoke write_disk_file,lpFileName,data,fsize

invoke GlobalFree,data

fDataBaseWrite endp

fDataBaseLoad proc uses esi edi lpStruct:dword,lpFileName:dword
LOCAL fl,fsz:dword
LOCAL dt_off:dword

mov esi,lpStruct

invoke filesize,lpFileName
.if eax!=-1
mov fsz,eax
invoke mAlloc,fsz
mov fl,eax
invoke read_disk_file,lpFileName,addr fl,addr fsz

mov eax,fl
mov eax,[eax]
.if eax!="FDB1"
invoke MessageBox,0,CADD("Not a Valid File"),0,0
invoke GlobalFree,fl
xor eax,eax
dec eax

mov ecx,fsz
sub ecx,4
mov dt_off,0
push ecx
mov eax,fl
add eax,4
add eax,dt_off

mov ecx,[eax]
add dt_off,ecx

lea edx,[eax].fDataB.lpData
sub [eax].fDataB.nSize,8
invoke fDataBaseAdd,esi,[eax].fDataB.nSize,[eax].fDataB.nType,edx
pop ecx
cmp ecx,dt_off
jnz loop_count_data

invoke GlobalFree,fl

xor eax,eax
dec eax

fDataBaseLoad endp

fDataBaseLoadFromMemory proc uses esi edi lpStruct:dword,lpData:dword,nSize:Dword
LOCAL fl,fsz:dword
LOCAL dt_off:dword

mov esi,lpStruct

mov eax,lpData
mov eax,[eax]
.if eax!="FDB1"
invoke MessageBox,0,CADD("Not a Valid File"),0,0
invoke GlobalFree,lpData
xor eax,eax
dec eax

mov ecx,nSize
sub ecx,4
mov dt_off,0
push ecx
mov eax,lpData
add eax,4
add eax,dt_off

mov ecx,[eax]
add dt_off,ecx

lea edx,[eax].fDataB.lpData
sub [eax].fDataB.nSize,8
invoke fDataBaseAdd,esi,[eax].fDataB.nSize,[eax].fDataB.nType,edx
pop ecx
mov eax,ecx
sub eax,dt_off
cmp eax,sizeof fDataB
ja loop_count_data
; cmp ecx,dt_off
; jnz loop_count_data

fDataBaseLoadFromMemory endp

So my database would be have 3 type of data. I planned to copy each data every time the user input a data so the database has it own memory data.
I need your idea for what function I should add. I only have find, compare, and some idea on mind.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


select, add, delete, update

A simple MySQL db select statement might be something like this:
SELECT `field1`, `field2` FROM `table` WHERE `id`=5 ORDER BY `field1` DESC
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Hm, MySQL looks like an interpreter for me. I think I will just create a database function, not as advance as mySQL.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Yeah it is rather complex, select (field/row), add (row), delete (row), update (field/row) and maybe a sort (column) would suffice

These are the different types of accesses to data you would likely need to perform
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


I will create the erase data and all done.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Databases can be awefully complex, I have written many different versions over the years and they still dont account for everything, now-a-days I tend to go for specialised array functions that save to disk rather than full 'database' modules because they integrate somewhere between hard coded memory management and databases
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Quote from: oex on January 16, 2010, 11:22:55 AM
Databases can be awefully complex, I have written many different versions over the years and they still dont account for everything, now-a-days I tend to go for specialised array functions that save to disk rather than full 'database' modules because they integrate somewhere between hard coded memory management and databases

Oh, I guess this is not a database then, it was a ...
What should I named it? File packer?

If somebody could create encryption procedure it would be a good folder locker.
Just put the File type value to some value so I can identify it as a readable format.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Okay done, I will create a tiny example for this.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Here is the example I promised, sorry for the delay if you waited. I have no time to make it quick.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Updated. Now the database can be loaded from memory. I Guess this is the final release.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"