please help me with assembly error A2049: Illegal use of register

Started by alex, May 29, 2010, 10:30:50 PM

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when I use "lea dx,bp+variable" in my program, when compiling I get this error: " error A2049: Illegal use of register"
this is a section of my program:
pop bp
sub bp,107h
mov ah,4eh
lea dx,bp+file_inf    ;this is the line that I have error
mov cx,0000h
int 21h

what can I do to solve this error? please some one help me!
I used masm 5.1 and also masm 611


You need brackets...
lea dx, [bp+file_inf]

Welcome to the forum :thumbu


yes - welcome to the forum, Alex   :U

matter of personal taste - i think it looks nicer like ths
        lea     dx,file_inf[bp]

the assembler will generate the same code, either way