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Read file above 4 GB in size

Started by Farabi, April 30, 2010, 02:19:25 PM

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Anyone know how to read a file chunk by chunk?
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


ReadFile, GetFileSize and SetFilePointer all support reading files to 4GB and beyond (might be problems on Win9x due to file systems)

You can read the whole file in 32KB chunks.

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


here an example using ReadFile:
        align 8
        dwRead      LABEL DWORD
        dqFileSize  dq ?
        cbRest      dd ?
        nBlocks     dd ?
        hFile       dd ?
        pBuffer     dd ?
    BLOCK_SIZE  EQU (1024*1024) ; 2^20
    POW         EQU 20

        invoke GetFileSizeEx,hFile,OFFSET dqFileSize
        mov eax,DWORD ptr dqFileSize
        mov edx,DWORD ptr dqFileSize+4
        mov ecx,eax
        shrd eax,edx,POW        ; = x  /  BLOCK_SIZE
        and ecx,BLOCK_SIZE-1    ; = x MOD BLOCK_SIZE
        mov nBlocks,eax
        mov cbRest,ecx     
        .if ASM(mov pBuffer,rv(GlobalAlloc,GPTR,BLOCK_SIZE))
            .while nBlocks
                .break .if !rv(ReadFile,hFile,pBuffer,BLOCK_SIZE,OFFSET dwRead,0)
                ; process blocks
                dec nBlocks
            .if dwRead && cbRest && rv(ReadFile,hFile,pBuffer,cbRest,OFFSET dwRead,0)
                ; process remaining  bytes (n < BLOCK_SIZE)

            .elseif cbRest || !dwRead
@@:             invoke GlobalFree,pBuffer
                jmp @F
            invoke CloseHandle,hFile
            invoke GlobalFree,pBuffer
@@:         invoke CloseHandle,hFile
            jmp @F
@@:     ;error     

EDIT:  bug fixed
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


qWord thanks but I heard that was painfully slow, isn't mapped files a better approach? i'm abit weary to test myself for files that exceed the size of my ram( > 2 gigs) even though I don't think it should panic and cause problems.


Unless a file is only a couple of megabytes, you should probably code your application to only load the pieces you need and adapt to the memory on the system. What you don't directly hold in memory will be cached by the system. If you assume memory is finite, the application will run better on more systems. Generally you should assume you can't load the whole file, even if it will fit in virtual memory (page file), you have a better understanding of your file and it's structure, and are thus best placed to design/manage how the file/data are handled.

Large files often have a structure to permit navigation (archives, databases), or are streams of data (video, audio) where blocks are read/processed/discarded. Even video files tend to have some structure, or external indexes, to permit rapid scanning of frames or index points (fast forward/reverse).
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.