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Compare two strings

Started by yvansoftware, March 30, 2010, 07:40:20 PM

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Quote from: lingo on June 17, 2010, 10:53:23 PM
Take a look that cmp is faster than xor instruction... :wink
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8500  @ 3.16GHz (SSE4)
3274    cycles for LingoCMP, 2600 bytes
1318    cycles for NewfrktonsWithoutXOR  , 2600 bytes
1334    cycles for frktonsCMP , 2600 bytes

--- ok ---

Not really that fast 1318 vs 1334. You have surely spared some
cycles skipping a passage, maybe one MOV or ADD less somewhere.  ::)

I think that an experienced ASM programmer like you can cut down
the cycles by 30-40% wisely using  xmm instructions and registers I'll
be aware of in my 4th or 5th semester.  :eek

Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)


Quote from: lingo on June 17, 2010, 10:53:23 PM
Take a look that cmp is faster than xor instruction... :wink
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8500  @ 3.16GHz (SSE4)
3274    cycles for LingoCMP, 2600 bytes
1318    cycles for NewfrktonsWithoutXOR  , 2600 bytes
1334    cycles for frktonsCMP , 2600 bytes

--- ok ---

1330 withouth xor
1331 CMP

Indeed is CMP more faster but it was needed to do such a test for this? (Not to be rude) But i think it was clear that CMP was faster. lol...

Funny second test and:

1330 withouth xor
1330 CMP


Well I tried to use CMP instead of XOR and there is
a very slight difference in performance:

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz (SSE4)
3738    cycles for LingoCMP, 2600 bytes
1319    cycles for NewfrktonsWithout XOR  , 2600 bytes
1329    cycles for frktons XOR , 2600 bytes
1325    cycles for frktons with CMP , 2600 bytes

--- ok ---

So the extra 5-6 cycles that Lingo spared depends on something else.
The new routine I tried is:


mov ecx, offset Src1
mov eax, offset Src2
        mov ebx, 325
mov edx, [ecx] ; Comparing two strings in edx and esi
        mov    esi, [eax]
        cmp    edx, esi
        jne    @f
add     ecx, 4
        add    eax,4
        mov    edx, [ecx]
        mov    esi, [eax]
        cmp    edx, esi
        jne    @f
        add    ecx, 4
        add    eax, 4
        dec    ebx
        jnz    @b 

print str$(eax), 9, "cycles for frktons with CMP , 2600 bytes", 13, 10

Quote from: theunknownguy on June 18, 2010, 12:12:43 AM

Indeed is CMP more faster but it was needed to do such a test for this? (Not to be rude) But i think it was clear that CMP was faster. lol...

Probably it is clear for you, but the same I can't say about me  :P
Lingo was so kind to post an example to clear this point and I am
grateful he did.  :U
Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)


"So why didn't you use that in your code?"
" can cut down the cycles by 30-40% wisely using  xmm instructions and registers

Yes, I have similar algo named SrchBytes with times here.. :wink


Quote from: lingo on June 18, 2010, 12:29:50 AM
"So why didn't you use that in your code?"
" can cut down the cycles by 30-40% wisely using  xmm instructions and registers

Yes, I have similar algo named SrchBytes with times here.. :wink

My, I just need to be 30 years younger and a lot of free time and I can
have a nice time between bytes and mnemonics  :lol

Great, that is really good to know that we have people still using
their brain today.  :P
Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)



Probably it is clear for you, but the same I can't say about me  :P
Lingo was so kind to post an example to clear this point and I am
grateful he did.  :U


I think you can get it from logic itself:

"CMP subtracts the second operand from the first but, unlike the SUB instruction, does not store the result; only the flags are changed"

XOR computes the exclusive OR of the two operands. Each bit of the result is 1 if the corresponding bits of the operands are different; each bit is 0 if the corresponding bits are the same. The answer replaces the first operand.

But the example is quiet good. Still i am waiting for some PowerPC for run test like this...  :dazzled:


You set EBX to 325 and then decrement by one on each iteration, right? With a multiple of 4, this gives us 1300 bytes scanned, not the 2600 which you've logged, please correct me if i'm wrong?

8 bytes per iteration

So i saw after re-reading the source and noticing that there are 2x INC EBX per iteration, making it 8 bytes per iteration. My bad, o0



Quote from: theunknownguy on June 18, 2010, 12:58:27 AM

I think you can get it from logic itself:

"CMP subtracts the second operand from the first but,
unlike the SUB instruction, does not store the result;
only the flags are changed"

XOR computes the exclusive OR of the two operands. Each bit of the result is 1
if the corresponding bits of the operands are different; each bit is 0 if the
corresponding bits are the same. The answer replaces the first operand.

:U well, I am in the path of learning Assembly, so these definitions
are studying matter. Where did you get them? I'll surely need them in many
future occasions.
Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)


Quote from: Ghandi on June 18, 2010, 01:17:06 AM
You set EBX to 325 and then decrement by one on each iteration, right? With a multiple of 4, this gives us 1300 bytes scanned, not the 2600 which you've logged, please correct me if i'm wrong?

8 bytes per iteration

So i saw after re-reading the source and noticing that there are 2x INC EBX per iteration, making it 8 bytes per iteration. My bad, o0


Yes, Clive already said that, so I didn't feel to add anything else.  :U
Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)


Quote from: frktons on June 18, 2010, 01:31:06 AM
Quote from: theunknownguy on June 18, 2010, 12:58:27 AM

I think you can get it from logic itself:

"CMP subtracts the second operand from the first but,
unlike the SUB instruction, does not store the result;
only the flags are changed"

XOR computes the exclusive OR of the two operands. Each bit of the result is 1
if the corresponding bits of the operands are different; each bit is 0 if the
corresponding bits are the same. The answer replaces the first operand.

:U well, I am in the path of learning Assembly, so these definitions
are studying matter. Where did you get them? I'll surely need them in many
future occasions.

Or IBM manual


Quote from: frktons on June 18, 2010, 12:04:27 AM

Not really that fast 1318 vs 1334. You have surely spared some
cycles skipping a passage, maybe one MOV or ADD less somewhere.  ::)

If you are not sure, why don't you simple open his attachment and look at your code? You would have found out that butcher lingo has done an impressive job - see below, original copy & paste....
By the way: I had tested that question by simply replacing xor with cmp, and found out there is absolutely no difference in timings.

mov ecx, offset Src1
        mov ebx, 325
lea eax,  Src2
  mov edx, [ecx] ; Comparing two strings in ecx and eax
  add ecx, 8
                                      cmp          edx, [eax]
                                      mov          edx, [ecx-4]
                                      lea            eax, [eax+8]
                                      jnz            @f
  cmp          edx, [eax-4]
                                      jnz            @f
                                      sub           ebx, 1
                                      jnz            @b 
print str$(eax), 9, "cycles for NewfrktonsWithoutXOR  , 2600 bytes", 13, 10


mov ecx, offset Src1
mov eax, offset Src2
        mov ebx, 325
  mov edx, [ecx] ; Comparing two strings in edx and esi
                                      mov          esi, [eax]
                                      xor            edx, esi
                                      jnz            @f
add ecx, 4
                                      add            eax,4
                                      mov            edx, [ecx]
                                      mov            esi, [eax]
                                      xor            edx, esi
                                      jnz            @f
                                      add            ecx, 4
                                      add            eax, 4
                                      dec            ebx
                                      jnz            @b 

print str$(eax), 9, "cycles for frktonsCMP , 2600 bytes", 13, 10


Yes, Jochen, of course I looked inside the code Lingo posted, and
I noticed That he changed many things to get those 5-6 cycles, but
I am not able, so far, to understand which of those instructions got
those cycles.   ::)

By the way it's good to see people getting better results with a little
bit crunching, I hoped this could be done in our complex and sometime
difficult daily life.


Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)


Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)


An straight cmp comparation runned on the same test of 2600 bytes:

1338 clocks

mov ecx, offset Src1
mov eax, offset Src2
xor ebx, ebx

mov  edx, [ecx+ebx]
cmp [eax+ebx], edx
jnz @2
add ebx, 4
jnz @1

1365 ~ 1379?:

mov  edx, [ecx+ebx*4]
cmp [eax+ebx*4], edx
jnz @2
add ebx, 1
jnz @1


1370 clocks

mov  edx, [ecx+ebx]
xor edx, [eax+ebx]
jnz @2
add ebx, 4
jnz @1

1378 clocks

mov  edx, [ecx+ebx]
mov  edi, [eax+ebx]
xor edx, edi
jnz @2
add ebx, 4
jnz @1
1369 clocks
mov  edx, [ecx+ebx*4]
mov  edi, [eax+ebx*4]
xor edx, edi
jnz @2
add ebx, 1
jnz @1
1365 clocks

mov  edx, [ecx+ebx*4]
xor edx, [eax+ebx*4]
jnz @2
add ebx, 1
jnz @1

Surprise me the CMP SCALAR... meaby something wrong with the code i dont know... 5:14 AM here my eyes could be cheating on me.


A slighter faster version of string_compare:

I skipped a couple of MOV and I got a slight improvement in the overall
performance of the routine.

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz (SSE4)
3369    cycles for LingoCMP, 2600 bytes
1330    cycles for frktons with XOR , 2600 bytes
1325    cycles for frktons with CMP , 2600 bytes
1316    cycles for frktons with CMP II , 2600 bytes

--- ok ---

Source and EXE attached.


Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)