how to get all .exe files name of a given drive ??

Started by maruf10, March 30, 2010, 11:30:22 AM

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hello all...
i am trying to get all .exe files of a given drive ...
i have used this .


mycmd 'cmd /c dir "H:\*.exe"  /s/w/b/a-d >C:\file.txt'
invoke wshell,addr mycmd

it will not work if there is no write permission in others mechine.
i have used FIND_FIRST_FILE in C
is there any approach in masm32 ??

i just want get all .exe file path one by one in runtime and print .
my previous apporoach store all file path in a .txt file first ...which i dont like at all  :'(

what is the solution ??
Thanks in advance ..


FindFirstFile/FindNextFile/WIN32_FIND_DATA is one way to walk the file tree, and descend into directories. You build the path as you descend and start finding files in the new directory.

All the methods you would use in C, are the same as the ones which would work in ASM.

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


The technique that Clive suggested is the one that will do the job, you basically need a recursive function that will climb up a directory structure on each directory listingt the files until it finds another directory or run out of files in that directory. Sounds a bit messy but its simple enough code once you get the swing of FindFirst/Nextfile API pair and the flags you need to pick between files and directories.
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how can i implement this ??
any example.....??
i have written a C code which can do the same thing using recursion .
as i am not good in masm32 programming i am unable to convert that .
need an example badly which will print all file name of a given directory  using findfirstfile and findnextfile ... :'(

here is the code portion . it generate all file paths and do some extra work


void Find(char *Path)

   char tmpPath[MAX_PATH];  //maximum length of full path
   char subPath[MAX_PATH];   
   strcpy(tmpPath, Path);
   strcat(tmpPath, "*.*");
   WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData;   //describes a file by FindFirstFile,FindNextFile
                               //declares a structur named FindData
   HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(tmpPath,&FindData);

   if(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )//Specifies the file attributes of the file found
   {                                                        //identify a directory
                                                            //FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY is a mwmber of
                      strcpy(subPath, Path);
                      strcat(subPath, FindData.cFileName);
                  strcat(subPath, "\\");
      if(subPath[iLen-1]=='*')                 //hidden file

   holdPath[iLen-1]='\0';                      //holding current folder name


      strcpy(subPath, Path);
       strcat(subPath, FindData.cFileName);   //current file path
      fp = fopen("virusname.txt","r");
       if(strcmp(FindData.cFileName,name[ttl]) == 0)
                  strcpy(subPath, Path);
                    strcat(subPath, FindData.cFileName);
                flagArray[m]=1     ;    //name from file


                  strcpy(subPath, Path);
                    strcat(subPath, FindData.cFileName);

                flagArray[m]=2;   //menu will be printed
   }while( FindNextFile( hFind,&FindData ));



my target is to delete those .exe files which name is same as their folder
e.g :

in this case i want to delete myfolder.exe

for this reasone i need the full file path to get .exe file name and its corresponding folder

thanks in advance


If you understand the logic OK which seems so from your C code, don't convert it, write it from scratch, its faster than the other way.

Start with listing the files in the start directory and when that works OK, then you branch on a directory and change up to it and do the same.

With both FindFirstFile and FindNextFile they work the same as in C but with MASM you use "invoke" instead.

Just atsrt simple and add to it as you get the simpler bits to work.
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I'm not sure if doing this in ASM as opposed to C is going to produce a dramatic improvement in performance. Your C code shows a reasonable grasp of how to attack this.

Algorithmically, I think I'd be caching the path fragment (ie the parent directory name) and passing it down, rather than try to separate if from the full path. You have the sub directory name at hand.

For example


Find("c:\foo\FunnyFolder\","FunnyFolder"); // ie Find(subPath, FindData.cFileName);

or even adding the .EXE, passing that down, and doing a case insensitive comparison.


Once you have the efficiency issues modelled in C, doing it once in ASM will be easier. The task is pretty much IO bound.

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


what is the equivalent code in masm of this code portion ??



if this snipped is placed inside an .while or .repeat loop it is similarly to c:
.continue .if FindData.cFileName[0]=='.'
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


 :(... how can i make recursive call like this ??


int main()

void find(char pch)
    //some code


It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Thanks ....
got it ...
i need little more help ....
what is the equivalen masm code for this??

if(subPath[iLen-1]=='*')                 //hidden file

for 1st line have used


mov iLen,lengthof subPath
dec iLen

what will be the 2nd and 3rd line ??


This doesn't work well if the string is NULL (zero length), does FindFirstFile return a '*'? There is a bit field attribute for hidden.

lea eax,subPath
push eax
call _strlen
add  esp,4

or eax,eax
jz @F
dec eax

cmp byte ptr subPath[eax],'*'
jnz @F
mov byte ptr subPath[eax],0

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


If you want to understand how the C compiler does it, I would suggest you have it generate a .COD file. This will provide an assembler listing of the code.

cl  -c  -FAcs  foo.c

If you are just linking to C library functions code density and speed aren't going to improved markedly.


It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


at last i have changed the C code

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none

include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\

includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\debug.lib

Find proto Path:DWORD

   myPath  db "D:\",0
   FindData  WIN32_FIND_DATA <>
   nofile  db 'Error: Invalid path specified.',0
   myTitle  db 'Folder Test',0
   hFind HANDLE ?
   newline db 10,13,0
   subPath db ?
   tmpPath db ?
   holdPath db ?
   ilen dd ?
   Extension db "*.*",0
   done db "here",0
   zero db "0",0
   pBuf dd ?
   Slash db "\",0
   buffer db ?

Find proc Path:dword

   invoke lstrcpy,addr tmpPath,Path
   invoke lstrcat, addr tmpPath,addr Extension
   invoke FindFirstFile,addr  tmpPath, addr FindData
   mov hFind , eax
       invoke MessageBoxA,NULL,addr nofile,addr myTitle,MB_ICONERROR
      invoke ExitProcess,0
      .continue .if FindData.cFileName[0]=='.'
      .if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
         invoke lstrcpy,addr subPath, Path
         invoke lstrcat,addr subPath,addr FindData.cFileName
         invoke lstrcat,addr subPath,addr Slash
         invoke lstrcpy , addr buffer,addr subPath
             invoke lstrcpy,addr holdPath,addr FindData.cFileName
         invoke lstrcpy , addr subPath,addr buffer
         invoke StdOut , addr done
                        invoke Find , addr subPath           ;this code is crashed here

         invoke StdOut , addr done
         mov ilen,lengthof subPath
      mov eax,ilen
      dec eax
      .if subPath[eax]=='*'
         mov byte ptr subPath[eax],0
      mov ilen,lengthof holdPath
      dec eax
      .if holdPath[eax]=='*'
         mov byte ptr holdPath[eax],0
      invoke lstrcpy , addr subPath, addr Path
      invoke lstrcat , addr subPath , FindData.cFileName
      invoke StdOut , addr subPath
       invoke FindNextFile,hFind,addr FindData
       mov edx,eax
   .until edx!=0
Find endp


   invoke Find,addr myPath
   invoke ExitProcess,0
END start

it should print all file paths of "D:"
but the code crashes at the time of first recursive call ....
i think i am not handling it properly.

another problem:
there is a file named ".bash_history" in C:
if i want to search file in "C:" at first it find the file .bash_history and starts an infinite loop
but it should be skipped using :
.continue .if FindData.cFileName[0]=='.'
but it works fine in do_while loop in C

what is the solution ??


You need to be using local variables within the subroutine, and it needs to return not drop out the bottom.

ilen is only computed in one branch. Pretty sure lengthof doesn't perform a strlen() operation.

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.