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Started by ragdog, March 28, 2010, 07:50:07 PM

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I have on any source see for a long time an array
i dont now works this can you help me please?


lpText    db "Test1","Test2",0
lpCap     db "Cap1","Cap2",0

lea eax,lpText        ;Startadress of arry to eax
lea ebx,lpCap
invoke MessageBox,0,eax,ebx,MB_OK

;here compare if array 0 then jmp out



maybe this is what your looking for(?):

1. list of zero terminated strings. The end is marked by an second 0-byte
    sz  db "string 1",0
        db "string 2",0
        db "string 3",0
        db "string 4",0
        db 0            ; mark end with empty string
mov edi,OFFSET sz
.while BYTE ptr [edi] != 0
    print edi,10,13         ; edi points to current string
    xor eax,eax
    mov ecx,-1
    repnz scasb

2. string array:
    sz1 db "string 1",0
    sz2 db "string 2",0
    sz3 db "string 3",0
    sz4 db "string 4",0
    align 4
    szArray PCHAR OFFSET sz1
            PCHAR OFFSET sz2
            PCHAR OFFSET sz3
            PCHAR OFFSET sz4
            PCHAR 0             ; mark end of array
; print string array
mov esi,OFFSET szArray
.while DWORD ptr [esi] != 0
    print [esi],10,13           ; esi is pointer to pointer to string
    lea esi,[esi+4]
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Thanks for your help

This works only for a one array i need it for 2 arrays

ok i try it


Hi RagDog,

An array of strings is usually defined as follows:

SomeArrayLabel DB "String1",0,"String2",0,"String3",0, 0 ; Note extra NULL to terminate the array

In order to find a particular string you could use the scasb operation or some other mechanism to find NULL terminators. This little routine will return the offset in the array of any string, it will return -1 if the index is out of bounds. Note that the index is 0 based, the first string is at index 0, the second is at 1 etc...

GetArrayElement PROC uses edi ebx esi ArrayAddr:DWORD,cbArray:DWORD,Index:DWORD

xor ebx,ebx
mov esi, Index
test esi,esi
jnz @F
mov eax,ArrayAddr
jns @F
mov eax,-1

mov edi,ArrayAddr
mov ecx, cbArray
dec ecx
mov al,0
repne scasb
test ecx,ecx
jz @F
inc ebx
cmp ebx, esi
jne @B
mov eax,edi

mov eax,-1
GetArrayElement ENDP

Call the function like this:

invoke GetArrayElement,offset SomeArrayLabel,SIZEOF SomeArrayLabel, 2

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


Ok thanks

I complete routine for it :'(

I have think it is a small code for this solution

then can i make 2 or 3 calls then is smaller

I have this found here on board
Now change i this SendMessage with a Messagesbox
then have i only a problem with my captions strings

omgarray db "One",0,"Two",0,0
lea ecx,omgarray
push ecx
invoke SendMessage,cbo, CB_ADDSTRING, 0,ecx
pop ecx
.if byte ptr [ecx] != 0
   inc ecx
   jmp @B
   ;test to see if it is the end of the array
   .if byte ptr [ecx+1] != 0
      inc ecx       ;point next chain
      jmp PrintArray

Thanks edgar