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Setting focus to text area

Started by fel0n, March 23, 2010, 03:41:36 AM

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Hello MASM forum,

I am new to assembly and this forum! I have question about setting focus to a text area and then copying it.

I have Dialog with three text areas. First is user-input, second is output and third is output. I have .if statements setup to handle the button pressing. I originally only had one data field, so I was able to copy it with no problem specifying a certain dig item. However I added a second output and now I want to have it copy the selected string. I'm not very sure how I can specify which text area was selected last.

So far I have this:

.elseif eax==IDC_COPY
.if eax== 1003
invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWnd,1003,EM_SETSEL,0,-1
invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWnd,1003,WM_COPY,0,0
.elseif eax==1009
invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWnd,1009,EM_SETSEL,0,-1
invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWnd,1009,WM_COPY,0,0
.elseif eax==IDC_EXIT
invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_CLOSE,0,0

I added else/if statement to eax == selected area? However this did not work.

Any help is appreciated!



If you handle WM_SETFOCUS it's wParam contains the handle to the window that lost focus.

or you could use WM_KILLFOCUS and the handle that comes as the first parameter.

I personally would handle KILLFOCUS in the winproc of the edit's and store it in a variable only if it is one of the two edits...

This application sounds tricky to use without a mouse... i would also put a hot key for the button press because getting there by pressing tab will cause issues.  Unless all this button is doing is CTRL-A CTRL-C. I like being able to use the keyboard.   Just an opinion.


i don't know if i'm right, but you should store the hWnd of the edit controls when you create them
then when the IDC_COPY message is called
match the hWnd of the window proc with the created window handles to find which window was used

on a side note, with the code you posted, if eax==IDC_COPY, it can't be 1003 or 1002, yet you check
immediately after if it is or not
perhaps you shouldn't be checking if eax==1003, instead you should be checking a different value, i don't
know where because i can't see the rest of your code

hope this helps in some way


invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWnd,1003,WM_GETTEXTL,addr buffer,0
invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWnd,1009,WM_SETTEXT,addr buff,0
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"



I use this


   invoke GetDlgItem, hWnd,1002
   invoke SetFocus,eax



Unless you have written you own word procewssor which I doubt, TEXT AREA means in the Windows context an EDIT CONTROL which is usually a CHILD window of a normal dialog or WNDCLASSEX type window. Create the edit control, get it HANDLE and then you can use the EM_ series of text messages to control the content.
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