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Convert SDWORD to real8 in asm file

Started by Gaurav, March 04, 2010, 04:52:27 PM

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Thanks it works now.. but result is weird

Enter number: 5
Enter exponent: 5
The value of power is: -1.#IND00

Is the result translated to hex values?
The result should be 3125...


The IND in the result means indefinite. I have a listing somewhere of these error results and what they mean, but I can't seem to find it.

Your code is mixing incompatible data types. StrToFloat returns a REAL8, and FpuXexpY cannot directly handle a REAL8. Since your code is displaying the value of n2 with str$, I assumed that n2 is supposed to be a 4-byte integer. So to input it I used:

invoke atodw, input("Enter exponent: ")
mov n2, eax

And to load it from memory and store it back:

fild n2
fistp n2

And since the destination for FpuXexpY apparently defaults to DEST_MEM, I removed the:

fstp power

And with those changes the code appears to work correctly.
eschew obfuscation


Ok, I changed the code to floating-point and it's good! Here's the bit of coding:

.386                            ; create 32 bit code
.model flat, stdcall            ; 32 bit memory model
option casemap :none            ; case sensitive

include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\fpulib\
includelib \masm32\fpulib\Fpu.lib

n1 REAL10 ?                     ; the first value
n2 REAL8 ?                      ; the second value
power REAL10 ?                  ; the result of n1^n2


    finit                       ; initialize fpu

    invoke FpuAtoFL, input("Enter Float Value: "), ADDR n1, DEST_MEM
    invoke StrToFloat, input("Enter Exponent: "), OFFSET n2
    fld n1                      ; pushes n1 to stack
    fabs                        ; make it positive if needed
    fstp n1                     ; store it back and pop
    fld n2                      ; pushes n2 to stack
    fabs                        ; change to positive if needed
    invoke FpuXexpY, ADDR n1, 0, ADDR power, SRC1_REAL or SRC2_FPU
    print chr$(10, "The result is: ")
    print real10$(power)
    print chr$(10)

end start

Thank you all for helping!
Now if only I can find the same XexpY for integers.. that would be awesome!


Quoteand FpuXexpY cannot directly handle a REAL8

The latest version of the Fpulib has been expanded to accept REAL4 and REAL8 as input and output. It is not restricted anymore to using REAL10 throughout.

The latest version is always available from:

Note that the Fpulib made available on other sites (or with the MASM32 package) is never guaranteed to be the latest version.
When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time