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KeLowerIrql - Error

Started by Astro, February 06, 2010, 12:08:35 AM

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I can't figure out how I can call KeLowerIrql - it doesn't seem to know what I'm on about, and MSDN doesn't offer a hint as to where I may find it, less how to use it.

How can I change the IRQL in the driver?

I've also got the problem that it sometimes BSODs with IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL but I can't figure out quite why. If I can force the IRQL down I think it will solve the problem.

Complete driver code follows. I'm installing it as KERNEL_DRIVER_SERVICE. I've been using for guidance.

It currently does nothing but create virtual device and a symbolic link, process one custom IRP, and unload. It is unstable though. :( 
I figure it is the IRP processing that is going awry.

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none

include \masm32\include\w2k\
include \masm32\include\w2k\
include \masm32\include\w2k\
include \masm32\include\w2k\

includelib \masm32\lib\w2k\ntoskrnl.lib

include \masm32\Macros\Strings.mac


;DRVR DWORD 0000000000100010-11-100000000001-11 / 0x22-0x3-0x801-0x3 / FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN...READ/WRITE...FUNC CODE...BUFFER NEITHER
DRVR DWORD 00000000001000101110000000000111b

CCOUNTED_UNICODE_STRING "\\Device\\devTestDriver", DeviceName, 4 ; Driver name
CCOUNTED_UNICODE_STRING "\\??\\TestDriver", SymLink, 4 ; Symbolic link used by apps. Use \\DosDevice\ for older build


DispatchControl proc pDeviceObject:PDEVICE_OBJECT, pIrp:PIRP
    LOCAL dwBytesReturned:DWORD

    and dwBytesReturned, 0

    mov esi, pIrp
    IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation esi
    mov edi, eax

    mov eax,[edi].Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode
    cmp eax,DRVR ; IOCTL request

    mov dwBytesReturned,0
    mov status,STATUS_SUCCESS
    jmp CONT

    mov dwBytesReturned,0
    mov status,STATUS_PENDING


    push status
    pop [esi].IoStatus.Status

    push dwBytesReturned
    pop [esi].IoStatus.Information

    IoMarkIrpPending esi

    assume esi:nothing

    mov eax,status
    ret 8


    push status
    pop [esi].IoStatus.Status

    push dwBytesReturned
    pop [esi].IoStatus.Information

    assume esi:nothing

    push pIrp
    call IoCompleteRequest
    mov eax, status
    ret 8

DispatchControl endp

DispatchCreateClose proc pDeviceObject:PDEVICE_OBJECT, pIrp:PIRP

    mov eax, pIrp
    assume eax:ptr _IRP
    mov [eax].IoStatus.Status, STATUS_SUCCESS
    and [eax].IoStatus.Information, 0
    assume eax:nothing

    ; FASTCALL! first two params - L->R ecx and
    ; edx, then the rest, R->L on the stack
    mov edx,IO_NO_INCREMENT
    mov ecx,pIrp
    call IofCompleteRequest
    ;fastcall IofCompleteRequest, pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT

    mov eax, STATUS_SUCCESS
    ret 8

DispatchCreateClose endp

DriverUnload proc pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT

    ; Delete the SymLink
    push offset SymLink
    call IoDeleteSymbolicLink

    ; Delete the device so we can unload
    mov eax, pDriverObject
    push (DRIVER_OBJECT PTR [eax]).DeviceObject
    call IoDeleteDevice
    ret 4

DriverUnload endp

DriverEntry proc pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT, pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING
    LOCAL pDeviceObject:DWORD

    ; Assume we're going to fail. Will result in
    ; driver unload and auto service start failure

    ; Create the driver object
    push pDeviceObject
    push FALSE
    push 0
    push offset DeviceName
    push 0
    push pDriverObject
    call IoCreateDevice

    cmp eax,STATUS_SUCCESS ; =0
    jnz FAIL

    ; Create the symbolic link our user mode app
    ; will call

    push offset SymLink
    push offset DeviceName
    call IoCreateSymbolicLink

    cmp eax,STATUS_SUCCESS ; =0
    jnz FAIL

    ; Declare the functions we're using
    mov eax,pDriverObject
    assume eax:PTR DRIVER_OBJECT
    mov [eax].MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE*4], offset DispatchCreateClose
    mov [eax].MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE*4], offset DispatchCreateClose
    mov [eax].MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL*4], offset DispatchControl
    mov [eax].DriverUnload, offset DriverUnload
    assume eax:nothing

    mov eax,STATUS_SUCCESS ; =0
    ret 8


    ; We had an error - delete the device and exit

    push pDeviceObject
    call IoDeleteDevice

    mov eax,status
    ret 8

DriverEntry endp

end DriverEntry

Best regards,


It doesn't really work like that... you are probably trying to access memory that has been paged out, and (generally speaking) the the system can't bring in pages when drivers are executing.  For experimentation purposes, just stick with the non-paged pool for everything.

Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government



I appreciate the cause (I'm possibly not explaining myself well - late here), but it is 'why'??

The functions are passed pointers to memory. If the source I'm reading is correct, DriverEntry could be called at any IRQL. I have nothing to say it isn't correct.

Apparently DispatchControl is called in the context of the calling process. If it is a user-mode app, it is called in the context of that app (PASSIVE_LEVEL), and has access to everything.

For some reason it would appear Windows is calling DriverEntry or DispatchControl at a level that prevents access to paged memory. I can't see how I can prevent the crash though because as far as I can see, I can't minimize the function any more than it already is.

It has to access the structure passed, and that structure is somewhere in memory (I'm guessing in non-paged memory).

The only thing that I see might be an issue are the LOCALs. IIRC these are created on the stack, in paged memory. Instant crash. I'll put these into the .data section and see what happens then.

I suspect the other crash is somehow related to the LOCALs too.

Shooting very much in the dark,
Robin. :(

QuoteThe doer alone learneth.   - Friedrich Nietzsche
Very apt.


As to the 'why', recall that a page fault is an exception, which is treated just like any other interrupt.  The IRQL is how Windows "ranks" these interrupts by order of importance; for example, the clock interrupt (which allows scheduling and preemption) is nearly at the top, and applications run way down at the bottom.  Page faults, as far as the system is concerned, are only slightly more important thatn applications, in that they run at the Dispatch Level APC Level.  Since drivers are assumed to be servicing actual hardware, and not just 'privileged applications', they are given priority.  As you've found, when a page fault is incurred while you execute a driver, the system says "I need to access memory that is paged out, but I can't stop what I'm doing to page it in".  It can't stop, but it can't continue, and you end up with a BSOD.

As to the 'why' of why your *particular* code is doing it, there's nothing I notice during a cursory once-over that screams out to me, however i'm not any sort of Ring0 expert.  Without the stack trace from the crash, it's just a lot of shots in the dark.  Try the WinDBG ".analyze" command.  Remember though, if any other functions try to use that data when it's paged out the same thing will happen, so don't necessarily assume it's once place when it could be another.  Step 1: Do the crash dump.   Step2: get the stack trace.

Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government



There is some difference between:

DriverEntry proc pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT, pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING
    local status:NTSTATUS
    local pDeviceObject:PVOID


    push offset pDeviceObject
    push FALSE
    push 0
    push offset DeviceName
    push 0
    push pDriverObject
    call IoCreateDevice


DriverEntry proc pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT, pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING
local status:NTSTATUS
local pDeviceObject:PVOID

invoke IoCreateDevice, pDriverObject, 0, addr DeviceName, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, 0, FALSE, addr pDeviceObject

The invoke uses addr pDeviceObject, whilst the version that crashes on the second start uses push pDeviceObject.

What is the difference???

By replacing this block with the invoke version prevents the crash.

Best regards,


DriverEntry supplies you with a pointer to the object; when you PUSH OFFSET, you are pushing a 'pointer to a pointer', which causes the illegal memory access (NT attempts to use the pointer itself as the object),  When you INVOKE with just the name, you are pushing the *actual* value stored in pDriverObject, which is correct.

Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


I tried to build push offset pDeviceObject - doesn't work, it throws an error.

push pDeviceObject

builds, but crashes on the second run of the driver.

Best regards,


        mov     eax,offset pDeviceObject
        push    eax


Writing drivers in masm and not knowing that "addr localvar" is "lea eax,localvar; push eax" ?!



Pointer to a variable that receives a pointer
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


Hi drizz,

I don't use it very often and I forgot that. I did try to find it to see how it worked.

Thanks for the link - I'd already looked at that.

@dedndave: thanks.

Best regards,