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Combobox problem

Started by ChillyWilly, February 14, 2010, 09:25:53 AM

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   I have 2 comboboxes in my app if i detect that the something was selected from the dropdown using this

mov eax,wParam 
            shr eax,16
              .if ax==CBN_SELCHANGE
                  invoke SendMessage,@hCombo,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0
                  invoke SendMessage,@hCombo,CB_GETLBTEXT,eax,addr hbuffer
                           ;do something here

how do i make sure that when the other combobox is used that it doesnt trigger the cbn_selchange for the wrong code


ah i figured it out

   .if ax == IDC_COMBOBX1
                   shr eax,16
              .if ax==CBN_SELCHANGE

i was using
   .if eax == IDC_COMBOBX1