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Saving image from handle

Started by Ash_, April 09, 2005, 10:47:31 AM

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if i have the handle (hwnd) to a control or a window i've painted and image onto. how do i get that image and save it to a file using the handle.

any tips or links would be appreciated. thanks in advance :)


  If you painted the image, you probably have the image handle too. There must some way of making it into a file. No need of window handle. Unless you need to get the hDc of the window or something.

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It is possible using GDIplus.dll, if you like to have a look at it.. The way to do it is something like this:
(This does NOT work!)

Invoke GdipCreateFromHWND,hWnd,ADDR hGraphics
Invoke GetClientRect,hWnd,ADDR rct
Invoke GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics,rct.right,rct.bottom,hGraphics,ADDR hBitmap
Invoke GdipGetImageEncodersSize,ADDR encoderNums,ADDR arraySize
**Need to allocate memory for encoders here
Invoke GdipGetImageEncoders,numEncoders,SIZE,ADDR encoders
Invoke GdipSaveImageToFile,hBitmap,ADDR szWFileName,clsidEncoder,encoderParams

The problem is to get the clsidEncoder, i did not try to do it in asm, but have a working function in VB6.
AFAIK, GDIplus supports saving as bmp-, png-, tiff-, jpg- and gif-formats. With VB6, i have tested png, bmp and gif.

Regards, phoenix