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Floating constant with macros....

Started by Tron2.0, January 28, 2010, 05:02:11 PM

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I was trying to recode some examples of DirectX9 using Win32Inc, when i found a problem: masm don't pass real numbers as parameters.... :boohoo:
So, because i can't obviously modify the macros of the include package, i tried to code a macro to convert real (only single and double) into hex.
If somebody else needs it....

Use these for single precision:

one   REAL4   ?
mov      one,@R4(1.234)


movr4   one,1.234

and this for double:

two    REAL8   ?
movr8   two,-987.654

One more thing: invoke don't accept constant of 8 bytes, but only vars....i suppose  :red


masm passes real4's just fine
if you are using larger reals, pass a pointer instead   :U


Look this code.....

;; Setup a simple directional light and some ambient...
mov   sDxLight0.Direction,D3DXVECTOR3(1.0,0.0,1.0)
mov   sDxLight0.Diffuse.r,1.0
mov   sDxLight0.Diffuse.g,1.0
mov   sDxLight0.Diffuse.b,1.0
mov   sDxLight0.Diffuse.a,1.0
mov   sDxLight0.Specular.r,1.0
mov   sDxLight0.Specular.g,1.0
mov   sDxLight0.Specular.b,1.0
mov   sDxLight0.Specular.a,1.0
invoke   IDirect3DDevice9_SetLight(pDxDevice,0,addr sDxLight0)
invoke   IDirect3DDevice9_LightEnable(pDxDevice,0,TRUE)
invoke   IDirect3DDevice9_SetRenderState(pDxDevice,D3DRS_AMBIENT,D3DCOLOR_COLORVALUE(0.2,0.2,0.2,1.0))

Is extracted from the example that i'm converting to masm and Win32Inc....


i wonder if you put it into an EQUate, first ?
the parser may not like the decimal point on the instruction line

Real4_One EQU 1.0

i am not sure if you can use reals in EQUates   :P

but, 1.0 is 3F800000h - that must be what you are up to


literal_float      macro   lit_float
         local   local_float

local_float      real4   lit_float

         exitm   <local_float>

CFLT         macro   lit_float
         exitm   <literal_float(lit_float)>

Usage CFLT(1.0)

Honestly dont 100% understand macro though

EDIT: At least I didnt understand well enough to write it myself, I get it now....

I believe nehe has a better way so you can include actual 2.0,5.1 etc but never checked how
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


My macro don't require the .data section and give back a constant in hexadecimal.....

try proto one:real4

invoke try,@R4(1.0)  = invoke try,03F800000h


There is a simpler way for Real4 floats
MovR4 macro __rmi:req,__num:req
   mov __rmi,DWORD PTR 0
   ORG $-4
   dd __num

MovR4 num,1.0

ps: you don't need this with jwasm!
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


I tested the macro with Nehe tutorials and it doesn't work correctly with all numbers....
It's because i forgot to normalize the range from 0.0 to 1.0..... :naughty:
So, i added the missing code and now seems to work fine.....(err... i think  :red)
The pushr8 works well with OpenGL functions call.


Ok, last time i thinked wrong :snooty:.....there is a problem with 0.0 conversion (- and +).
I fixed the code, and now the macro returns the correct constant.....
I added to the zip a simple test of movr4/movr8 macros. It's only for debugging purpose....