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QE Version 4.0d Update.

Started by hutch--, January 11, 2010, 08:44:44 AM

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I have done a collection of changes to the QE interface, the toolbar buttons are 32 pixel square and the background tile is larger to make the toolbar interface easier to use. With the search and replace dialogs I have changed the button order so that the Cancel button is on the right side with both to make them more consistent to use and on the actual toolbar I have reversed the New Window and Command Prompt buttons as I found I kept making the same error repeatedly.

I prototyped the changes using RGB+alpha transparency for the toolbar bitmap strip but it blew the size out too far and even compressed it was hitting around 64k which is bigger on disk than I want. Did the same approach with the Icon as I need to improve the appearance of the Icon at 48 x 48 display but it turned into a bloated pig as well. Eventually rebuilt both the toolbar strip and the Icon at 256 colour with almost no appearance loss at all and the size dropped back to 38k.

This version has both an XML manifest file and a Version information block built into the resources to help negotiate the AV idiot fringe and the version info reads correctly in Explorer.

NOTE: Different atached ZIP file. Minor error in the first one.
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I love the "Run" icon :U
(the Open icon is also very cute, although it falsely suggests that the user will see colours :green)


the cmd prompt icon is labeled as new window and the new window icon is labeled as cmd prompt


Thanks, I changed the rest and forgot the tooltip display on the status bar.

DONE !  :bg


My original choice was a very similar image of the Doomsday Book but this one looks a little cleaner at low resolution.
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Nice Job on this qeditor. One problem though-- dis-assemble dll does not recognize dll file unless file is changed to exe extension. (Message pop up saying that it cannot find the exe file if the program is a dll extension). Dis-assemble exe works fine though. Thanks.


Hi dhucul,

Get the hotfix posted in this subforum. There was a change in the way the command line worked in CMD.EXE between Win2000 and XP.
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Followed the directions in the other post but it still dosen't work.  Probably because I'm using Windows 7.