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Haiti. . .

Started by Bill Cravener, January 13, 2010, 03:10:41 PM

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We could turn this now into an intellectually stimulating argument about the benefits of supporting American farmers in their attempts to get rid of their surplus, the corresponding effect on the job perspectives of farmers in poor countries etc etc but maybe it's better we just stick to invoke Sleep, 10000 :wink

Bill Cravener

BlackVortex, if that is what was meant then my bad. I think anyone who reads my posts is aware as to how I feel about my country and its sickness to make war. I wish we would mind our own business and just stay home but like Dave stated we Americans (well, most of us I believe) have no qualms about helping anyone who is dealing with disaster and starvation.

jj, your example would be best to follow, and I couldn't agree more.
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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Quote from: Bill Cravener on February 11, 2010, 05:17:01 PM
jj, your example would be best to follow, and I couldn't agree more.

Invoke Sleep, 24*60*60*1000 ?


>>You referring to American humanitarian aid?

Humanitarian aid??? your "aid" is not for humanitarian purpose, but for your own selfish goals, the guys from USAID are not simple workers but officers from "physiological  warfare" department of US army gathering intelligence.

>>You don't much like us Americans do you?


>>alp - i'll wager it isn't your belly that is empty

an american trying to teach me about an "empty belly", i live in a third world country i know more about "empty belly" than you will ever know


Quote from: alp on February 12, 2010, 08:32:37 AM
an american trying to teach me about an "empty belly", i live in a third world country i know more about "empty belly" than you will ever know

where do you live, alp?
i also live in a third world country...  :wink


There is a trick to first world countries, its first world if you have enough money, 2nd world if you are just getting by and third world if you have an empty stomach. It may not be Haiti but hunger is no respector of culture or social theory, it is among the disgrace that first world countires suffer that they actively tolerate hungry people in their own country. There is no real difference between kids living off a rubbish tip in the Phillipines and a down and out living as a dumpster diver in the big apple, result is the same.
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We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Humanitarian aid??? your "aid" is not for humanitarian purpose, but for your own selfish goals, the guys from USAID are not simple workers but officers from "physiological  warfare" department of US army gathering intelligence.
Alp, can you provide evidence to back this claim up?
If, you don't like the food/whatever is provided free of charge, then don't take it.
You can't be that bad off, if you have the money to spend on Internet access, rather than on food to fill your "empty belly".
God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO


>>Alp, can you provide evidence to back this claim up?

depends what do you mean by evidence, i am sure i will never be able to meet your criteria of "evidence".

The military assets moved to Haiti and previous US interventions tells a different story.

your other points are simply not worth my time.


the empty bellies i was refering to are those of kids that have probably never seen a computer
they certainly aren't writing assembly language programs or hanging out in a forum

but, you know, sometimes i wonder if you aren't right
there are a number of ungrateful sons of bitches that don't deserve our help
we try to help them out, and their government tells them the US is evil
they believe it so fervently, that some of them are willing to strap a bomb or airplane to their ass and kill themselves
in the mean time - their government officials are hoarding all the money and allowing their people to starve
but - those officials aren't evil people - the blame is all on the US

alp - if you are short on straps, let me know



It cuts both ways, during the Bush years Chavez was funding cold Americans up and down the east coast of the US in winter and Dubai was funding part of the reconstruction of New Orleans while Bush and his cronies were foulmouthing Arabs and communists and stuffing the pockets of their buddies with American taxpayers dollars while waging two unwinnab;e wars. Thank God for Obama.
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It could be fixed in a generation, equal global media coverage and random joint foreign leadership in every government, any country that didnt conform would just look stupid and be sidelined.

There is a problem with all this 'global economy' lark.... 'global politics' comes next.... The internet has been leveling the world for 20 years, all of my teenage and adult life, if we dont sort out the world we will have another world war. Unfortunately in our rush to become civilised everybody jumps on the technology power band wagon.... I would give all my tech away tomorrow for wife kids and ranch, all the things emerging economies like China and India are destroying as they 'enter the 21st century'.... I just wish they knew now what they are giving up, I would give up my place here in the UK for any of them.

My community is so civilised that it introduced child porn to minors 20 years ago when a new technology came in.... It continues to do similar things with newer technologies, bullying on mobiles, loss of careers through facebook postings and all with no real education for parents from the government and no incentive for companies to do so, any attempt is decried as censorship....

Consider the introduction of the motorcar.... When first introduced thousands upon thousands of people were killed all over the place, no seat belts no speed limits no driving tests and we look back and think 'stupid people'.... Well what does that make us introducing the internet with no child protection education it's akin to opening retail stores and putting child porn by the sweets section. Or attracting predators by not monitoring kids in a designated child's playground. It results in indiscriminate carnage and corruption that may give more political power through taxing and condemning it's vices but nothing more. Dictators no introducing the internet and communist wanting to monitor it are looking far more to the long term than the profiteering of the West because they will have to pick up the tab in 20, 30, 40 years time by which time any Western government will have been out of power for 15 years.

I guess it's just how you look at the world, to me it would have been morally wrong to ignore the issues of technology and selfish to be concerned about my future with these issues affecting so many. Now at 30 when all these issues have finally reached mainstream media as the first to use these technologies have reached their 30's and have a career voice I feel duped that I wasnt selfish like many others and guilty I should feel that way.... We have created a society where those who dont care, who dont consider how their actions affect others get ahead but ever exacerbated by the extremes of technology the issues get worse....

We continue to follow ideologies like sheep currently believeing freedom of information is all but soon to realise as a generation grows up the weight it puts on 'our' children and there is no escape.... If I wanted my own rice paddy in China I would never be able to service my UK debt assuming of course I would be allowed to move there.

We dont live in a free or fair world and the things we promote, the ideologies we promote, be they corporate or governmental do us no favours.... It is not the US that is evil or China or Iran it is a few people clinging to an ideology that front these ideologies as being superior where these people have obviously not even reached first base of intelligent civilisation.

The UK has no death penalty, both China and the US do but these are larger countries and I can understand to some extent that a larger country might need a bigger deterant to maintain public order. This doesnt *necesarilly* mean we are more civilised

Just because you live in the UK doesnt mean you wont be left to starve, just because people have more money doesnt mean they are nicer people, just because someone works for an aid organisation doesnt mean they wont rape a child. Never place your faith in someone because they have more money or because they have a position in society. Base your respect on their continued positive actions. And always always remember, the internet masks all, virtual/real balance is a must.

I have nothing against the US or China. I have seen first hand where there ideologies are targeted and can respect both sides of the arguement equally. The US is richer because it has more land mass for 1/4 the people and all the resources per person that go with this but it is easy to forget this is not an entitlement. It shapes viewto greater extremes is all.
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking