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Radasm parameters

Started by Fabio, January 01, 2010, 10:37:04 PM

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Hi KetilO:

When I run Radasm from another application with a filename parameter, Radasm is opened and then open the file. For example:

   %path\Radasm.exe myfile

Is there a way (or will be) to tell Radasm to open the file in a row and/or column?



Hi Fabio

I have no idea what you are asking.
Could you explain a little more?



Sorry :)

For example, if I open the Command Prompt window and I write:

>   Radasm.exe

the Radasm program will be opened.

Now, If instead of above I write:

>   Radasm.exe Readme.txt

the Radasm program will be opened and Radasm will try to open the file Readme.txt.

What I wish to do is open Readme.txt in some indicated line (instead of the beginning), for example, something like:

>   Radasm.exe Readme.txt 12

to open Readme.txt in the line 12.

This is possible maybe?
Thanks for your patience.


Hi Fabio

RadASM also supports Send To which can open several files at the same time.
I gues it would be possible, but probably messy.



I'm using the Open Watcom (cuz the debugger is really amazing) as the IDE and Radasm as the editor.
Inside the Open Watcom IDE I have set Radasm as the source c/c++ editor. So, when I make double click on a file in the project (inside the Open Watcom IDE), Radasm is launched and Radasm open that file. And because I'm using "Single Instance" in "Code Editor Options" all the files are opened in the same Instance of the program.

Now, when I compile something and an error has occurred, the IDE, as usual, displays the name of the file where the error occurred and displays also the line number and the column.

If I make a double click in that display, the IDE will call the editor, and will open the file in the first line.
Would be nice to open that file in the line where the error occurred instead of the beginning.

When setting the editor in the IDE, I can use 3 optional parameters:
%f = filename      
%r = line number
%c = column (Char in Radasm)

Actually I'm using this when Watcom call to Radasm:
   C:\Radasm\Radasm.exe %f
so, again, Radasm is launched and Radasm open the file %f in the first line.

Would be nice to use something like
   C:\Radasm\Radasm.exe %f , %r , %c
or something like the above to open the file exactly where the error has occurred.

Of course I can live without this feature, but I wanted at least to show the reason of my question.



Hi Fabio

Here is what you need.



Hello KetilO.

I cannot get it working. I has copied the dll in the folder C:\RadASM\AddIns" and I did installed the dll inside the "Addin Manager".
This has been added in "Radasm.ini":


I'm trying to invoke (testing):

   C:\RadASM\RadASM.exe %f 14

Radasm open the file %f, but then displays the message "Cannot open the file 14".
Maybe the dll must be installed different, or am I writing the parameters in a wrong way?
Once again, thank you for your help.



Hi Fabio

Did you replace RadASM.exe?



Hi KetilO.

That was the problem :).

The addin works well, one last observation:

Suppose you invoke:
   C:\RadASM\RadASM.exe %f 14

   * If Radasm was already launched, the filename %f is opened in line 14, all OK.
   * If Radasm was not launched, then Radasm is launched, the filename %f is opened in line 14 but then displays the following message: "Can not open the file C:\RadASM\AddIns\RADebug.dll.

Avoid searching the line number whenever there is an error is saving me a lot of time, it is much more comfortable than before, this addin is enormously helpful to me.
KetilO, you are the man, thanks.
