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Documentation tool for ASM (and others, hopefully)

Started by TNick, January 10, 2010, 07:29:31 PM

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I wrote a very advanced documentation application for PHP once.... it read my code and autodocumented however I found it to be rather cumbersome to maintain myself.... Then loads of other people started writing PHP documenters and I tried some open source ones but like having your own coding style you tend to find people also have their own documenting style and what you have trained your eye to see on the page others wont.... Ultimately I came to the conclusion that smaller is better and for me spacing best defines concepts

Not to knock your idea.... I learnt more about programming PHP and programming in general when documenting it than probably any other time.... it helped to really consolidate my knowledge and helped me better define my coding style in all languages.... For me the beauty of ASM is that it's not as cluttered as c.... I tend to see c with all it's weird data types as an attempt at ASM with documentation built in :bg....

I must admit I tend to work on smaller solo projects maybe 30k lines so I cant speak for those who work in local groups or on larger multi-locational projects.

Good luck with your project :U
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