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Started by shankle, December 23, 2009, 11:47:36 AM

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Hope I put this in the right place.
I think I need this module in the LIB and Include folders in MASM32.
Comdlg32 is already there.
I need this module to use the printdlgex structure.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress



See if this works OK. I just manually converted it from the current DDK include files.

    lStructSize        dd ?          ; size of structure in bytes
    hwndOwner          dd ?          ; caller's window handle
    hDevMode           dd ?          ; handle to DevMode
    hDevNames          dd ?          ; handle to DevNames
    hDC                dd ?          ; printer DC/IC or NULL
    Flags              dd ?          ; PD_ flags
    Flags2             dd ?          ; reserved
    ExclusionFlags     dd ?          ; items to exclude from driver pages
    nPageRanges        dd ?          ; number of page ranges
    nMaxPageRanges     dd ?          ; max number of page ranges
    lpPageRanges       dd ?          ; array of page ranges
    nMinPage           dd ?          ; min page number
    nMaxPage           dd ?          ; max page number
    nCopies            dd ?          ; number of copies
    hInstance          dd ?          ; instance handle
    lpPrintTemplateName dd ?         ; template name for app specific area
    lpCallback         dd ?          ; app callback interface
    nPropertyPages     dd ?          ; number of app property pages in lphPropertyPages
    lphPropertyPages   dd ?          ; array of app property page handles
    nStartPage         dd ?          ; start page id
    dwResultAction     dd ?          ; result action if S_OK is returned
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Thanks Hutch,
It's appreciated.
Merry Christmas and New Year.
I might not be here next year after they pass this Health Care Bill.
I'm expendable.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress




It will probably work FOR you, not against. Just aim at 150 and you have a good chance of topping the ton, anything you get after that is a bonus if you can be bothered.

I just watcxhed a video from the old timers in my family from South OZ, one that I have met has just turned 97 and he is still fit, walks well and has all of his marbles. Its worth living a long time just to spite the bastards.
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