IHTMLElementCollection item ,make an acces violation

Started by ToutEnMasm, December 15, 2009, 07:26:24 PM

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I have write this piece of code.
InterrogeFeuille PROC
      ;/////// feuille /////////////////////////////////////
      Local ppvIHTMLElementCollection:DWORD,NombreElements,ppvIHTMLOptionElement,ppvIHTMLSelectElement
      Local Uphrase[256]:WORD
      Local phrase[256]:BYTE      
      ;Local index:VARIANT
      ;Local nom:VARIANT
      ;Local ppvIDispatch:DWORD
      Local OptText[256]:WORD
      Local  retour:DWORD
      ZEROLOCALES retour
      invoke VariantInit,addr index
      invoke VariantInit,addr nom   
      ;[in] VARIANT of type VT_I4 or VT_BSTR that specifies the object or
      ;collection to retrieve. If this parameter is an integer, it is the
      ;zero-based index of the object. If this parameter is a string, all
      ;objects with matching name or id properties are retrieved, and a
      ;collection is returned if more than one match is made.
      mov nom.n1.n2.vt,VT_I4
      mov nom.n1.n2.n3.lVal,0
      mov index.n1.n2.vt,VT_I4
      mov index.n1.n2.n3.lVal,0   
      ;mov varCommand.n1.n2.vt,VT_BSTR
      ;mov varCommand.n1.n2.n3.bstrVal,FUNC(CreateBstr,SADR("notepad.exe"))                  
      IHTMLDocument2 get_forms,addr ppvIHTMLElementCollection
      .if eax != S_OK
         jmp FindeInterrogeFeuille
      IHTMLElementCollection get_length,addr NombreElements      
         ;ACCESS VIOLATION HERE ???????????????????
         IHTMLElementCollection item,nom,index,addr ppvIDispatch
         .if ppvIDispatch != 0
            IDispatch QueryInterface,addr IID_IHTMLOptionElement,addr ppvIHTMLOptionElement
            IDispatch Release
            mov ppvIDispatch,0
            IHTMLOptionElement get_text,addr OptText
            invoke WideCharToMultiByte,CP_ACP,NULL,addr OptText,\
               -1,addr buffer,LENGTHOF buffer,NULL,NULL
            invoke MessageBox,NULL,ADDR buffer,SADR("TrouvĂ© IHTMLOptionElement"),MB_OK            
            lea edx,OptText
            IHTMLOptionElement Release
            mov ppvIHTMLOptionElement,0
         inc nom.n1.n2.n3.lVal
         inc index.n1.n2.n3.lVal                  
         dec NombreElements
      IHTMLElementCollection Release   
            mov retour,1

         mov eax,retour

Who can help ?


First, you can remove both VariantInit at the top because you are initializing both variants.
Now to enumerate all the items, query item count by calling IHTMLElementCollection::get_length method.
Set index.vt to VT_EMPTY
Set nom.vt to VT_I4
Enter a loop, where nom.lVal is set to 0 ... NombreElements-1.
Call IHTMLElementCollection::item in each iteration. Even if the 'item' method returns S_OK (S_OK=zero), the returned IDispatch* pointer can be set to NULL, you must check it. This applies to ALL mshtml methods, even for those returning BSTR.
Be sure the prototype (or your macro) IHTMLElementCollection::item passes both variants by value - 4 DWORD's on stack for each variant. The raw call should be similar to:
; push uses nasm syntax
push addr pDispatch
; push the index variant - VT_EMPTY
push dword [index+0] ; or push 0 ; .vt and .wReserved1
push dword [index+4] ; or push 0 ; .wReserved2 and .wReserved3
push dword [index+8] ; or push 0
push dword [index+12] ; or push 0
; push the name variant - VT_I4
push dword [nom+0] ; or push 3 ; VT_I4=3
push dword [nom+4] ; or push 0
push dword [nom+8] ; or push index_of_element
push dword [nom+12] ; or push 0
; push this
mov eax, ppvIHTMLElementCollection
push eax
; call IHTMLElementCollection::item
mov eax,[eax]
call dword[eax+4*11]

test eax,eax ; check HRESULT
jz failure

cmp pDispatch,0 ; important: check pDispatch
jz failure


I found what is it.
It's a joke of microsoft with IE8.
  Internet Explorer 8 and later. In IE8 mode, the index parameter is not used. For more information, see Defining Document Compatibility.
This mean that the prototype IHTMLElementCollection item must be modify as this
;proto for IE8
;normal proto

But now i have another problem.
IDispatch QueryInterface,addr IID_IHTMLOptionElement,addr ppvIHTMLOptionElement

Put 0 in ppvIHTMLOptionElement