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File path

Started by Neil, December 05, 2009, 02:42:12 PM

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I have an ongoing problem with file paths, I touched on this subject sometime back & still haven't found a satisfactory answer. The problem is when a program & it's data files are on a drive or partition other than C:. In 16 bit code  you could use function 19h of Int 21 which returned the number of the current drive in the AL register, where 0 = A, 1 = B etc. You could then use XLAT to find the drive letter from a lookup table & insert it into the start of the path string. What I need is a way of doing this in 32 bit, or there might be another method I haven't found yet. Any thoughts & ideas will be appreciated.


GetLogicalDriveStrings, GetVolumeInformation, GetDriveType

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

main proc C uses esi edi ebx argc:dword,argv:ptr dword
LOCAL volsn:dword, maxcomp:dword, sysf:dword
LOCAL drivestr[4*MAXBYTE]:byte
LOCAL volname[MAX_PATH]:byte, sysname[MAX_PATH]:byte

; invoke GetLogicalDrives
; mov edi,eax
; bt edi,X
invoke GetLogicalDriveStrings,sizeof drivestr,addr drivestr

lea esi,drivestr
lea ebx,[esi+eax]

.while esi < ebx

invoke printf,T(CRLF,"Volume: %s",CRLF),esi

invoke memset,addr volname,0,sizeof volname
mov eax,[esi]
and eax,0FFFFh
mov dword ptr sysname,eax
invoke QueryDosDevice,addr sysname,addr volname,sizeof volname
.if eax
invoke printf,T("Device: ")
invoke puts,addr volname

invoke GetDiskFreeSpaceEx,esi,addr L1,addr disktotal,addr diskfree
.if eax
mov eax,diskfree.LowPart
mov edx,diskfree.HighPart
shrd eax,edx,3*10;/1024=2^10;/1024=2^10;/1024=2^10
shr edx,3*10; KiB; MiB; GiB
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,disktotal.LowPart
mov edx,disktotal.HighPart
shrd eax,edx,3*10;/1024=2^10;/1024=2^10;/1024=2^10
shr edx,3*10; KiB; MiB; GiB
invoke printf,T("%u of %u GiB free"),ecx,eax

invoke GetDriveType,esi
.if eax == DRIVE_FIXED
invoke puts,T("Type: HDD")
.elseif eax == DRIVE_CDROM
invoke puts,T("Type: CDROM")
.elseif eax == DRIVE_REMOVABLE
invoke puts,T("Type: REM")

invoke GetVolumeInformation,esi,addr volname,sizeof volname,addr volsn,\
addr maxcomp,addr sysf,addr sysname,sizeof sysname
.if eax
invoke printf,T("Name: %s",CRLF,"SN: %.8X",CRLF,"FS: %s",CRLF),\
addr volname,volsn,addr sysname

invoke strlen,esi
lea esi,[esi+eax+1]


invoke getchar
return 0
main endp

The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


Of course, there are more complicated ways to get it :wink
include \masm32\include\

buffer db MAX_PATH dup (?)

mov esi, offset buffer
invoke GetCurrentDirectory, sizeof buffer, offset buffer
mov byte ptr [esi+2], ah
MsgBox 0, esi, "Current drive:", MB_OK
end start


Thanks for your suggestions, I'll give them a try  :U


Beware of little traps. This exe launched via a shortcut from C:\temp, with no start folder specified:

GetCurrentDirectory:    C:\temp
Current drive:          C:
GetModuleFileName:      D:\masm32\RichMasm\RES\CurrentDrive.exe
Current drive:          D:

include \masm32\include\

sub esp, MAX_PATH ; create a buffer
print "GetCurrentDirectory:", 9
invoke GetCurrentDirectory, MAX_PATH, esp
print esp, 13, 10
mov byte ptr [esp+2], 0
print "Current drive:   ", 9
print esp, 13, 10
print "GetModuleFileName:", 9
mov eax, esp
invoke GetModuleFileName, 0, eax, MAX_PATH
print esp, 13, 10
mov byte ptr [esp+2], 0
print "Current drive:   ", 9
print esp, 13, 10
add esp, MAX_PATH ; release the buffer (not really needed before ExitProcess...)
end start


Thanks jj, I'll bear that in mind.


oops, it seems I ignored the word "current" when reading your post
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


No problem drizz, it was an interesting and very informative post, gave me a lot to think about.

2-Bit Chip

Thanks jj, this, too, has helped me.


Quote from: Neil on December 06, 2009, 04:27:07 PM
No problem drizz, it was an interesting and very informative post, gave me a lot to think about.
I agree :U