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Eager to learn 16-bit

Started by 2-Bit Chip, November 29, 2009, 06:36:11 AM

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2-Bit Chip

I've decided that I would like to learn 16-bit, but I can't seem to find any references for tutorials.


i think looking at some of the examples in here would be a good start
just browse threads backwards until you get bored - lol



   There was an older version of Randall Hyde's Art of
Assembly for 16-bit.  Check the Wayback machine.

   Dave's suggestion is good, there is a lot of thrashing
about in this forum.


Steve N.

2-Bit Chip

I cannot find PCMAC.INC used for DOS projects. Where may I find it, and also a manual for it?


i find that they really do not need PCMAC.INC - i have no idea what is in it - lol
you do need IO.LIB, though (these are school project programs and IO.LIB was provided by the instructor)
it really isn't documented - i have been disassembling it a little at a time to see what functions they have
the instructor is a little sloppy with the docs and info - lol
here is a link to get IO.LIB, though - it isn't very big

if there are docs with it, they may be for a similar library but not quite the same


i managed to find some documentation for the library here (near bottom of page)
there may be more in future chapters


it looks like the original library was named UTIL.LIB
that LIB and PCMAC.INC (macros) came with the book
"Assembly Language for the IBM PC Family" by William B. Jones
IO.LIB is a library that was built from UTIL.LIB by adding a few routines
UTIL.LIB, PCMAC.INC, and UTIL.DOC may be d/l'ed here
again, near the bottom of the page


here are some of the ones i know

GETDEC (signed) and GETDEC$ (unsigned)
return a 16-bit value from keyoard input in AX - all other registers seem to be preserved

return a string from keyboard input
call with: ES:DI buffer address
           CX buffer length
returns: CX number of entered characters (less carriage ret.lf)

displays cr/lf sequence

clears the screen

PUTDEC (signed) and PUTDEC$ (unsigned)
displays the value in AX in decimal
if BH is 0, just displays the value - if BH is 1, right justifies the value in a 6 character field

displays a string
string address in ES:DI, length in CX - all registers preserved

2-Bit Chip

I thank you for your assistance. :U


my pleasure
honestly, i would not use that library except the students need to - lol
just make yourself familiar with BIOS and DOS interrupts
Ralf Brown's Interrupt List is the "bible"
here's an online short list that Jochen found