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detecting CPU Temperature

Started by ossama, December 12, 2007, 05:56:04 AM

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Quote from: ToutEnMasm on December 16, 2007, 05:26:44 PM
search c++ forum for that or wait that i finish a masm code with all the needed includes.
I am quite certain that Win32_TemperatureProbe need the install of a driver to work .
There is several tools who can read the temperature of a CPU.If one is enough small,run it on a debugger.
I have find a sample in c++ using a dll for ASUS,but that is all.
Searching msdn:
Have a look at this C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wbem\wbemtest.exe  ! powerful tool !
The sample in basic need a cimwin32.dll located here
The following download sample is a vb script extract from the windows SDK

Sorry for BUMP....

I already download and run it.

but, it always appear message "No temperature probe data"
why is that?

is that script need some device or something?


The problem is that temperature sensors are usually board specific so something that works on a particular board by Asus will not work on a Gigabyte board and likewise the Intel stuff only works on their boards.

Unless it becomes a part of the OS I doubt there will be a universal method any time soon.
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but there is software like RealTemp, CoreTemp and Everest that can sense temperature in any board....

I wonder how they create it...

isn't it using assembly too?


What the few that work tend to do is develop a technique for each board type and do a board detect when they start to ensure they use the correct method for the board. I used to use one that worked on an older Gigabyte Duo but not on the next model that I still have running. I found one by Gigabyte for that board but it was basically designed for the idiot fringe overclockers rather than just monitoring the board.
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I would try and get a schematic of the motherboard and review it for external heat detecting circuits.
If any are found, you could use the circuitry to calc the address and get the required realtime data, it may be linked to an undocumented interrupt.

I have also seen it where the processor it self calcs the temp and stores it in the BIOS data area (kinda like CMOS), on newer (middle aged) systems.
The problem with this is no direct BIOS routines to call to get info, but if you find out were the data is you can search BIOS for what controls writing of data to that area, then create your own routine to do mimic/get this info.  The software tools will give you a reference also.

Some systems use the hidden ROM to control getting what you need.  This is the hardest of the three methods here to get what you need.