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GetOpenFileName causes an error

Started by RuiLoureiro, November 06, 2009, 06:56:58 PM

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Quote from: RuiLoureiro on November 08, 2009, 11:18:59 AM
          Please give me the file
          You use «include \masm32\MasmBasic\»

The file is part of MasmBasic, and I used it only because the library has a very powerful debugging macro. Replace the include with include \masm32\include\, and the code will assemble fine. substiutes all lines from .586 to comdlg32.lib

Try ...
                invoke  GetOpenFileName, ADDR _ofn

... and you will see that you can call GetOpenFileName as often as you want, no crashes. The problem is below these lines...

EDIT: I have put lots of deb calls into your code; you can uncomment them if you have MasmBasic installed. From what I see, the crash happens in the GetOpenFileName call, but only if the section below has been processed before.
You should urgently check your usage of ebx, esi and edi. I have added a uses ebx to AbreFile, but this was not sufficient to prevent the crash. The deb macro is really useful for that...

Quotedeb usage:
   deb 1, "The first loop", ecx, esi$, edi$, MyReal10, ST(1)
   deb 2, "Second loop:", al, ecx, esi$, $My$

Rem   the debug macro preserves registers and flags
   can show FPU registers but trashes ST(6) and ST(7)
   the string content of registers (i.e. the memory pointed at) can be shown by using eax$, ecx$, esi$ etc.
   global and local variables can be shown as strings by using e.g. $buffer
   cancelling deb 1, ... does not cancel deb 2, ..., so you can test several loops in one go
   deb 1, ... deb 4, ... are being displayed, while deb 5, writes to a file:
   deb 5, "ToFile", eax, esi$, edi$ saves contents (without showing them) to DebLog.txt


           1. Thanks for reply
           You should urgently check your usage of ebx, esi and edi.
           2. EDI usage: ONLY defined inside NxtLinFrm and GetNxtLin
                         never modified in any other place.
                         There, i have «mov edi, _pFrmBuf». _pFrmBuf is
                         defined when the prog starts (Mem is allocated ...)

              ESI usage: is modified in FindCRLF but have a limit in _LastTxtBuf

           I am quite sure theres not any problems with that registers and
           we dont need to preserve them.           

         3. Please, now, Try PrinterJJ.asm i attached. What happen ?
            I tried and i got «Memory was not freed»
            I did this:
; Free memory alloc and close file
CloseAll        proc
                cmp       _pTxtMem, 0
                je        short _n
                invoke    GlobalFree, _pTxtMem
                cmp       eax, NULL
                je        short @F               
       fn  MessageBox, _hWnd, "Memory was not freed", "Memory Error", MB_OK
@@:             mov       _pTxtMem, 0
_n:             cmp       _hFile, 0
                je        short @F               
                invoke    CloseHandle, _hFile
                mov       _hFile, 0
@@:             popfd
CloseAll        endp


Quote from: RuiLoureiro on November 08, 2009, 03:47:25 PM
           2. EDI usage: ONLY defined inside NxtLinFrm and GetNxtLin

esi, edi and ebx are being used by Windows APIs. You can use them only if you preserve them:
push esi
mov esi, 123
pop esi

If you modify them, e.g. in the WndProc or a proc called from inside the WndProc, then your code is bound to crash.

         3. Please, now, Try PrinterJJ.asm i attached. What happen ?

It crashes silently.

Will be offline for some days - I hope you can solve the mystery :thumbu


Quote from: jj2007 on November 08, 2009, 09:06:20 PM
esi, edi and ebx are being used by Windows APIs. You can use them only if you preserve them:
               As far as i know Windows APIs preserve them. It means i dont need to preserve
               that registers when i call a wAPI. As far as i know MS doesnt say
               you need to preserve it unless Windows APIs doesnt work properly. In
               other words, if you dont preserve them Windows APIs doesnt work properly.
I hope you can solve the mystery
               I solved it, i allocate memory when the prog starts. It is done in PrintIt
Will be offline for some days
               Jochen, thanks, and have a nice days :thumbu



Quote from: RuiLoureiro on November 08, 2009, 09:27:58 PM
               As far as i know Windows APIs preserve them. It means i dont need to preserve
               that registers when i call a wAPI. As far as i know MS doesnt say
               you need to preserve it unless Windows APIs doesnt work properly. In
               other words, if you dont preserve them Windows APIs doesnt work properly.
You must save them only inside callbacks (e.g. WndProc)
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