Polib not assuming machine type

Started by Ficko, September 18, 2009, 11:59:23 AM

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If you make an import library with "polib" on a 64-bit system and do not specify "/MACHINE" like

polib.exe kernel32.dll /out:kernel32.lib

you will get a warning that

/MACHINE not specified; assuming x86.

but actually this "assuming" does not takes place.
You have to specify /MACHINE:x86


Quote from: POLIB Help - /MACHINEThe library manager can usually deduce this by looking into the object file(s), but sometimes this must be done manually (when creating an import library from a module-definition file, for example).

If it says it's assuming x86 then it should actually do it.

Post about it over at the Pelle's C Forum.