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Experimental macro.

Started by hutch--, October 17, 2009, 01:03:21 PM

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I thought someone may like this one. I am trying to simplify a template for a dialog code design as it makes the code generator easier to write when you don't have to make multiple entries for the same value. The example is for setting a global scope handle to the return value of an API call but the general idea for global handles looks like it will be useful for writing simpler cleaner code.

  ;; -------------------------------------------------------
  ;; Use this macro as follows.
  ;; UniqueHandle = SetGlobalHandle(ParentHandle,Control_ID)
  ;; EXAMPLE : hButton1 = SetGlobalHandle(hWin,250)
  ;; NOTE that the unique handle is created in the .DATA? section
  ;; by the MACRO, do NOT create a LOCAL or GLOBAL value for
  ;; this handle or you will get s "symbol redefinition" error.
  ;; -------------------------------------------------------

    SetGlobalHandle MACRO hParent, ctlID
      LOCAL hndl
        hndl dd ?
        invoke GetDlgItem,hParent,ctlID
        mov hndl, eax
      EXITM < hndl>

  ;; -------------------------------------------------------

This one looks even more useful.

    gh MACRO args:VARARG
      LOCAL hndl
        hndl dd ?
        invoke args
        mov hndl, eax
      EXITM < hndl>

It makes general purpose global handles available to any API/function that returns a value that you want in the .DATA? section.

    hInstance = gh(GetModuleHandle, NULL)
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Interesting stuff. I am still trying to figure out what exactly it does: in the disassembly below, the middle assignment does not appear, i.e. the hInstance = 12345678 gets treated like any other assembly time constant definition. But the other two do assign runtime values... ::)

include \masm32\include\

    gh MACRO args:VARARG
      LOCAL hndl
        hndl dd ?
        invoke args
        mov hndl, eax
      EXITM < hndl>

AppName db "Masm32:", 0

; int 3
hInstance = gh(GetModuleHandle, NULL)
hInstance = 12345678
hInstance = gh(GetTickCount)

MsgBox 0, str$(hInstance), str$(rv(GetTickCount)), MB_OK

end start

CPU Disasm
Address    Hex dump          Command                               Comments
00401009   ³. 6A 00          push 0                                ; ÚModuleName = NULL
0040100B   ³. E8 BC000000    call <jmp.&kernel32.GetModuleHandleA> ; ÀKERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA
00401010   ³. A3 F0204000    mov dword ptr [NewWin32.4020F0], eax
00401015   ³. 90             nop                                   ; ÚType => MB_OK|MB_DEFBUTTON1|MB_APPLMODAL
00401016   ³? 90             nop                                   ; ³
00401017   ³. E8 B6000000    call <jmp.&kernel32.GetTickCount>     ; ³Caption = ""FF,"%",88," @"
0040101C   ³. A3 F4204000    mov dword ptr [NewWin32.4020F4], eax  ; ³Text => ""


At compiletime 'hndl' gets replaced by something like ??0012 - this is then assigned to the  assembly constant: hInstance=??0012
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Having played with this idea for a while I have reverted back to the form that uses the MASM "EQU" notation because it provides an error message when a duplicate ID is use. You can redefine a value set with the " = " notation where an "EQU" cannot. This is the macro form that I will propbably use.

  ;; -------------------------------------------------------

    IFNDEF cgv
      cgv MACRO args:VARARG       ;; create GLOBAL value
        LOCAL hndl
          hndl dd ?
          invoke args
          mov hndl, eax
        EXITM < equ <hndl>>

  ;; -------------------------------------------------------

The IFNDEF is purely so I can add the macro to macros.asm later without duplicates.

In terms of usage the difference is very slight, you use no " = " in this form.

    hInstance cgv(GetModuleHandle, NULL)

The way it works is reasonably simple, The .DATA? section items are known at assembly time and effectively what the macro is doing is runnig the function/API/procedure call in the normal manner, writing the return value to the .DATA? section entry then setting an equate for the .DATA? section entry to a name.
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