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Linking programs

Started by veronicak5678, October 09, 2009, 02:33:44 AM

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one thing your prof should have taught you - lol
TRUE is the inverse of false
for boolean math, TRUE should be all 1's (or -1)
that way, you can perform bit-wise logic with it

FALSE   EQU     0


Quote from: dedndave on October 13, 2009, 11:50:56 PM
for boolean math, TRUE should be all 1's (or -1)
that way, you can perform bit-wise logic with it

FALSE   EQU     0

You have truely good ideas, Dave. Go and tell Billieboy - Redmond voted for plus 1. By design, of course ::)

@ilian007: The Masm32 library uses +1, like Microsoft. Stupid but that's it...


i know that's true, Jochen, but no need to perpetuate a bad habit - lol
odd they did that - billy boy had it right in ms basic
Z says hi and sends a K




> Perhabs it's time to learn Masm, finally? After maintaining a Masm forum for so many years ...

Yeah. learn to tune up a T model Ford to win Indy. I confess to never having wasted my time on old junk like this since about 1995, feel free to be the 16 bit real mode DOS guru.  :P

Next cab off the rank can be Digital Research DOS.  :bdg
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hahah Yeah the teacher wonders why programs (we try to compile) gives random errors on Vista. Then he concludes: "who knows what will be in the future" :))) 


However, we have new project assigned. The problem is unclear I will ask him some questions in class tonite and will start it then. :) it is something playing with Parity and Shifting thing. To be Continued .... :P


MichaelW and/or Steven FORTRANS
i would still like a little help on this one...



   I will look at it later, but what I will first try is to put an empty ".FARDATA'
declaration/directive in the file.  I got side tracked on some misleading
documentation in an old TASM 2.0 document.  And nearly posted some
complete (incomplete?) garbage.  Amazing what MASM will assemble
at times.  I generally do not use the simplified directives in 16-bit code
as they did not exist when I was learning the craft.

   Oh well, here comes a weekend.  And I will be back on the machine with
the better setup.


Steve N.


thanks for looking at it, Steve
i tried the .FARDATA thing
masm wants to name these far data segments with the module name
for example, in the reseed.asm module, it named it as RESEED_DATA (or something to that effect)
when i create the .FARDATA segment in NRANDOM, and try to use ASSUME, it is looking in the wrong segment
this did not happen with masm 5.10 - well - i always opened and closed my own segments with SEGMENT
perhaps, that is the best solution


then, all the modules will reference the same segment


Hi Dave,

Quotemasm wants to name these far data segments with the module name


Quotethis did not happen with masm 5.10

   Then I would have posted bad code anyway...  Unless I had the sense
to double check it in 6.14.  Most of the time I'm using a machine with
5.0 for 16-bit code.  The one with 6.14 gets used for 32-bit stuff, and is
a bit screwed up, or cursed, or Windows, or whatever, or all of the above.

Quotei always opened and closed my own segments with SEGMENT
perhaps, that is the best solution

   Unless that goes against the course rules, that looks good to me.
They will have to know the differences between SEGMENT/ENDS and
.DATA/.CODE usage, and that only makes sense if they have covered
it somewhere.  If so, try both ways AND look at the listing and cross
reference files. 

   Again, I'll try to see what happens with the .FARDATA glop later on.




How can I count how many 1's are in a 16bit binary number ?

for example : 0001011101101011 - they are 9 - 1's do I have to MASK it with an 'AND' ?

or I have to SHR and to create procedure with COUNTER which will count the JC ..



thanks dedndave actually I made it last night :)  used SHR and JC :P i will continue to post to the other topic because still have some dificulties with something. thanks will talk there


Quote from: hutch-- on October 14, 2009, 12:33:35 PM
Yeah. learn to tune up a T model Ford to win Indy. I confess to never having wasted my time on old junk like this since about 1995, feel free to be the 16 bit real mode DOS guru.  :P

Yes, I know this "old junk". It's essential knowledge. Knowing how to do "Win32 application programming with Masm" isn't the whole world of assembly, just in case you didn't know that.