Another question on the resource editor.

Started by hutch--, October 19, 2009, 11:27:24 PM

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This question is pointed directly at Ketil.

I have spent enough time to reasonably well get the swing of how ResEd works and it is certainly a sophisticated and very functional tool that works well, produces a reliable RC file format and has all of the additional controls from the common control library.

What I am playing with is another tool that duplicates one I have now that uses the old Microsoft Dialog Editor that I have the source code for as a dialog creator then generates code specific to the dialog design and controls used. I am reasonably well geared for writing code generators and have a lot of special purpose tools for doing this type of work.

I can parse the RC format that ResEd outputs with no problems and get code that works with all of the controls except one and that is probably because I don't have the right equates in the resource.h file for it yet but I have one problem that I don't know how to fix, the design I want to use with the dialog code requires number IDs without the "#define" equates as is a normal option in SDK style code and supported by Microsoft's RC.EXE but I cannot find a way to turn it off in the properties list.

If I manually replace the equates in the file with the equated numbers it builds fine in RC but new controls added rom the dialog editor after automatically use the "#define" equates again and I have found that with the later common controls if you double click the control in design mode it adds a "#define" equate back into the RC file.

I have climbed over the "Options dialog" and found the ResEd settings in the registry but I cannot find a way to turn this capacity off. My question is two stepped, have I missed a normal method of turning this capacity off and if not, would it be any particular melodrama to add an option so it can be turned off.

Unrelated i notice that while ResEd easily handles external resources written in the RC file like Icons, bitmaps etc ... and manages the user defined "resource.h" file with no problems but it removes any formatting or comments written in the RC file. Its no big deal but I am used to commenting RC files so that people know what something in it is for.
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Hi hutch

You can stop looking. There is no option for that.
However ResEd can be set to produce 3 files.
1. The raw rc script without the #define's.
2. A file that contains the #define's.
3. A user defined format that can contain the the name and id.

The only thing your app need ito do is merge 1 and 3.
Will this help?
