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New structures

Started by Biterider, October 02, 2009, 09:43:41 AM

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Hi Ketilo
Where can I obtain the most recent structure definitions for RA addins, like (and other relevant files)?
I think something has changed in the last releases, since i'm getting wrong values from procs that were ok in the past.




Hi KetilO
I compared the OA32 Addin working on 2 different versions of RA.
The content of the EDIT.fntinfo structure seems to be OK using RA
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.charset = -1123416300t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.fDBCS = 0t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.fntwt = 0t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.fntht = 7t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.spcwt = 12t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.tabwt = 7t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.italic = 14t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.monospace = 0t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.linespace = 1t

while using the newer RA is
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.charset = 1460669839t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.fDBCS = -1894772360t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.fntwt = 1882198215t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.fntht = 2t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.spcwt = 1141511313t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.tabwt = -871756590t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.italic = -485882281t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.monospace = 0t
[eax].EDIT.fntinfo.linespace = 0t

which looks pretty insane
I get eax using
invoke GetWindowLong, hWnd, 0
with hWnd = Editor hWnd




Hi Biterider

The EDIT structure has a new member

The new member:
hlock       dd ?        ;Handle of lock button

EDIT struct
    hwnd        dd ?        ;Handle of main window
    fstyle      dd ?        ;Window style
    ID          dd ?        ;Window ID
    hpar        dd ?        ;Handle of parent window
    edta        RAEDT <>
    edtb        RAEDT <>
    hhscroll    dd ?        ;Handle of horizontal scrollbar
    hgrip       dd ?        ;Handle of sizegrip
    hnogrip     dd ?        ;Handle of nosizegrip
    hsbtn       dd ?        ;Handle of splitt button
    hlin        dd ?        ;Handle of linenumber button
    hexp        dd ?        ;Handle of expand button
    hcol        dd ?        ;Handle of collapse button
    hlock       dd ?        ;Handle of lock button
    hsta        dd ?        ;Handle of state window
    htt         dd ?        ;Handle of tooltip
    fresize     dd ?        ;Resize in action flag
    fsplitt     dd ?        ;Splitt factor
    nsplitt     dd ?        ;Splitt height

    hHeap       dd 3 dup(?) ;Handle of heap
    hLine       dd ?        ;Handle of line pointer mem
    cbLine      dd ?        ;Size of line pointer mem
    rpLine      dd ?        ;Relative pointer into line pointer mem
    rpLineFree  dd ?        ;Pointer to free line pointer
    hChars      dd ?        ;Handle of character mem
    cbChars     dd ?        ;Size of character mem
    rpChars     dd ?        ;Relative pointer into character mem
    rpCharsFree dd ?        ;Relative pointer to free character
    hUndo       dd ?        ;Handle of undo memory
    cbUndo      dd ?        ;Size of undo memory
    rpUndo      dd ?        ;Relative pointer to free (last)
    line        dd ?        ;Linenumber
    cpLine      dd ?        ;Character position for start of line

    rc          RECT <?>    ;Main rect
    selbarwt    dd ?        ;Width of selection bar
    nlinenrwt   dd ?        ;Initial width of linenumber bar
    linenrwt    dd ?        ;Width of linenumber bar
    nScroll     dd ?        ;Mouse wheel scroll lines
    nPageBreak  dd ?        ;Page break
    cpMin       dd ?        ;Selection min
    cpMax       dd ?        ;Selection max
    fOvr        dd ?        ;Insert / Overwrite
    nHidden     dd ?        ;Number of hidden lines
    cpx         dd ?        ;Scroll position
    focus       dd ?        ;Handle of edit having focus
    fCaretHide  dd ?        ;Caret is hidden
    fChanged    dd ?        ;Content changed
    fHideSel    dd ?        ;Hide selection
    fIndent     dd ?        ;Auto indent
    clr         RACOLOR <?>
    br          RABRUSH <?>
    nTab        dd ?        ;Tab size
    fnt         RAFONT <?>
    fntinfo     RAFONTINFO <?>
    lpBmCB      dd ?        ;Bookmark paint callback
    nchange     dd ?        ;Used by EN_SELCHANGE
    nlastchange dd ?        ;Used by EN_SELCHANGE
    nWordGroup  dd ?        ;Hilite word group
    fExpandTab  dd ?        ;TRUE/FALSE Epand tabs to spaces
    savesel     CHARRANGE <?>
    htlt        dd ?        ;Scroll tooltip
    nMode       dd ?        ;Block selection
    blrg        BLOCKRANGE <?>
    lockundoid  dd ?
    ccmntblocks dd ?
    cpbrst      dd ?
    cpbren      dd ?
    cpselbar    dd ?
    fLock       dd ?
    nCursorWordType dd ?
    fstyleex    dd ?
    funicode    dd ?
    fhilite     dd ?
    lastline    dd ?
EDIT ends

You can find my sources at:



Hi Ketil
Thanks for your replay. Can you tell me with what RA version did you introduce the change? I have to manage it to switch between the 2 structures for users using older versions of RA.

Maybe it is a good idea if you add new structure members always at the end of them preventing the break of existing SW.

Best regards,



Hi Biterider

It was added by denise_amiga on 2007-05-27, version



Hi Ketil
I solved my OA32 Addin problem.
I'm showing now additional information (coding hints) in the output window #3, but it hides too fast to read all the window content. I need to change programmatically this timeout value. Is there any way to do it?




Hi Biterider

The FlipCase addin controls the hiding of the output window. You can find the sources at Sourceforge.
