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Problems with ICZTUTES and Win32.hlp

Started by StanMurphy, October 05, 2009, 02:39:27 AM

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Hello all,

I've just joined the board and just begun my foray into the abyss that is assembly language programming  :bg

I'm actually quite looking forward to it, coming from a background in Visual Basic, C# and Visual Foxpro.

I'm running on Windows 7 x64 with 6GB on an Intel X58 board.

I downloaded MASM32 and ICZTUTES from links on Hutch's website. I then found Win32.hlp on the net. The MASM32 install went ok after I tamed my anti-virus program. However, I'm having problems with the other two.

ICZTUTES: I created a folder called TUTORIALS under the MASM32 directory, pasted in the exe and ran it. The result was a series of folders beginning with TUT02 (or something like that) but no TUT01. There was no obvious place to start the tutorial. All the folders seems to contain source code, assembly files and executables. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

Win32.hlp: I executed the exe and installed the files in a directory under MASM32. All went well. I went into the MASM32 editor and used the settings dialog to set the F1 help file to Win32.hlp in the new directory. But when I pressed F1 I just heard a 'ding', nothing else happened. Exiting and re-entering the program produced the same result.

If anyone has any insight into these issues I would be most appreciative.




Welcome to the wonderful world of assembly !

I think you just downloaded the examples of the Iczelion tutorials. Anyway, they're here :

And the first tutorial doesn't have a program source, it's theoretical   :green

Don't know about the Qeditor help association since I don't use that,someone else will help you with that. Anyway you don't need that help, you can search MSDN for functions, for example if you google for MessageBox, the first result it the function's reference from the microsoft site.

Also, remember that you can use whichever assembler,linker,resource compiler or code editor you want. If something just doesn't suit you.


Thank you so much!! That website looks incredible.

As for the Win32.hlp, I'm not so worried about that as it was just part of the suggested setup and I'm sure I can work around it, as you said.

Thanks again for the link. Looks like there's a lot of great info there.



With F1 help, click on a word in the editor first. It is context help but you can set up WIN32.HLP on the help menu as well. When I get time I will try and tweak the editor to bring up WIN32.HLP without context from the F1 key.
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The issue with win32.hlp is windows 7... no Winhelp support as far as i know... only does .CHM and the like... the vista extension thing for .HLP might work, haven't tried it.