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IE Zone Editor

Started by Gunner, November 21, 2009, 03:50:29 PM

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Ok, this is my baby - my pride and joy!  IE Zone Editor.  I originally wrote it in VB then got into Assembly 6-7 years ago and decided to convert IEZE to assembly.  Like many have read here I haven't been around for a long while (no jail or nothing like that) So I am going through my projects and looking for something to update....  Well its been 6 or so years (at least on this zip file) that I worked on my baby so there have been many new versions of Internet Explorer and Windows....  Just would like to know if she still works and if there are any weird things between IEZE and IE because I remember IE 6 broke something when they updated it and it wasn't compatible with newley created zones.  Nowadays I prefer Opera over Internet Explorer but am going to continue upkeep of this great program!  :U
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


very cool   :U
very professional appearance
it looks like what microsoft SHOULD have had in the first place - lol


The program looks nice and clean (like a baby  :wink).

I tried to change the Outlook Express zone from 4 to 1. It looks that it didn't work - maybe because I use Windows Vista?
I would like to see two classic OK and Cancel buttons. I wanted to see what changing zone menu did, and I had only one option. Or, maybe I don't want to change anything, just to see the status.

Could you, please, add numbers near the zones' icons? I'm not very good at counting which pictogram is zone x.
This is somehow similar to the way some sites list the month for the expiration date of a credit card:
- January, February ...
; My card expires on 08/12. Now, what month is 08?

- 01, 02, 03 ...

- 01 (January), 02 (February)


I love the concept, especially with respect to the ActiveX options.   
However. as an assembly programmer,...I wonder about the actual code that is executing with a selected operation. If I were you, I'd certainly be reluctant to release the source code. I don't expect you to do so. We can examine the imports to get an idea of what is really happening behind the scenes. But, when you get a chance, could you maybe give us a broad outline about the capabilities, restrictions, etc.? Thanks.


I guess it's only registry additions, right ? I'm not too familiar with IE zones and I haven't looked in the file.

Regshot before and after should provide a lot of info.


I spent a long time using Regmon to find the keys and values that IE uses.  Works perfectly with IE 5 then IE6 and above does not show new zones correctly.  I know it uses COM also and I don't do COM so I will have to do more research to get it working.
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor