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x64 exception handler

Started by Aleccc, October 14, 2009, 03:07:51 PM

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I recently started playing with exceptions on x64, I have found this example for ml64 but i just don't know how to write exception handler to handle exception (in this case access violation). Anyone knows how to reload context, adjust rip to next instruction and continue execution?

handler_routine PROC
handler_routine endp 

sample PROC FRAME :handler_routine
   db      048h; emit a REX prefix, to enable hot-patching
push rbp
.pushreg rbp
sub rsp, 040h
.allocstack 040h   
lea rbp, [rsp+020h]
.setframe rbp, 020h
movdqa [rbp], xmm7
.savexmm128 xmm7, 020h;the offset is from the base of the frame
;not the scaled offset of the frame
mov [rbp+018h], rsi
.savereg rsi, 038h
mov [rsp+010h], rdi
.savereg rdi, 010h; you can still use RSP as the base of the frame
; or any other register you choose

; you can modify the stack pointer outside of the prologue (similar to alloca)
; because we have a frame pointer.
; if we didn't have a frame pointer, this would be illegal
; if we didn't make this modification,
; there would be no need for a frame pointer

sub rsp, 060h

; we can unwind from the following AV because of the frame pointer

mov rax, 0
mov rax, [rax] ; AV!

; restore the registers that weren't saved with a push
; this isn't part of the official epilog, as described in section 2.5

movdqa xmm7, [rbp]
mov rsi, [rbp+018h]
mov rdi, [rbp-010h]

; Here's the official epilog

lea rsp, [rbp-020h]
pop rbp
sample ENDP


I think the "easiest" way is to call RtlUnwindEx in your handler.