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Hybrid SoA vs AoS and Vertex Transforms with SSE

Started by johnsa, August 26, 2009, 01:48:45 PM

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I've been re-looking at my 3d engine pipeline again (fully software based) and timing all the various stages to optimize them. While doing this I've run
into a couple of things that I need some clarity on.

The first issue is that up till now I've stored all vertices/vectors as independent objects (ie: AOS). I was debating moving all the geometry data into
a hybrid SOA and replacing the the transforms etc with SSE versions.
So I started writing some SSE2+ code down to see what the transform would like for normal xyzw as opposed to xxxxyyyyzzzzwwww. To be honest I can't see how the
hybrid SOA is going to gain me anything (I think I might be having a dumb moment).

Lets take for example:
[xyzw] vs [x1x2x3x4 y1y2y3y4 z1z2z3z4 w1w2w3w4]

To transform a vertex/vector by a 4x4 matrix we'd have:

| a b c d |
| e f g h |
| i j k l |
| m n o p |

x1' = x1*a + y1*b + z1*c + w1*d
y1' = x1*e + y1*f + z1*g + w1*h
z1' = x1*i + y1*j + z1*k + w1*l
w1' = x1*m + y1*n + z1*o + w1*p

(One possible optimization would be to assume that w' = m+n+o+p for a vertex and 0 for a vector).

so if we did this with SSE (AoS) we'd land up with :
a) not having to swizzle the matrix into column major form
b) 4 loads outside the loop to load the matrix rows
   IE: xmm4 = (a,b,c,d) ... xmm5 = (e,f,g,h) etc..
c) then each vertex(xyzw) would be one load.. movaps xmm0,[edi] or similar..
d) we'd have four mulps (or 3 if we use the above optimization).
e) then a few haddps/shufps/blendps
f) a single store of the new vertex back

Now in theory, using Hybrid SoA we should be able to do 4 vertices/vectors at a time.. but then loading the matrix components out and broadcasting would land up being more expensive than the AoS version?

Or am I being dumb? :)

Here was a quick AoS draft function I put down assuming it loads the matrix every time and processes as opposed to a batch process which would load the matrix outside the loop:

movaps xmm0,[esi]  ; load the vertex
movaps xmm1,[edi]      ;abcd (row centric)
movaps xmm2,[edi+16]
movaps xmm3,[edi+32]
movaps xmm4,[edi+48]

mulps xmm1,xmm0
mulps xmm2,xmm0
mulps xmm3,xmm0
mulps xmm4,xmm0

haddps xmm1,xmm1
haddps xmm1,xmm1

haddps xmm2,xmm2
haddps xmm2,xmm2

haddps xmm3,xmm3
haddps xmm3,xmm3

haddps xmm4,xmm4
haddps xmm4,xmm4

shufps xmm1,xmm2,00 00 00 00b  ; xmm1 = | y' | y' | x' | x' |
shufps xmm1,xmm3,00 00 10 00b  ; xmm1 = | z' | z' | y' | x' |
blendps xmm1,xmm4,00001000b    ; xmm1 = | w' | z' | y' | x' |

movaps [esi],xmm1



this also looks interesting

// BatchMultiply5 -- A modified version of BatchMultiply4 which loads
// vector components individually from memory, thereby allowing us
// Performance: 20 cycles/vector
void BatchMultiply5(Matrix4f &m, Vector4f *vin, Vector4f *vout, int len)
   // initializations in C++ land
   Matrix4f mt(m, Matrix4f::TRANSPOSE); // work from a
   float *row0 = mt.Ref();
   static const int vecSize = 2 * sizeof(Vector4f);
   // if there are an odd number of vectors, process the first one
   // separately and advance the pointers
   if (len & 0x1) {
      MatrixMultiply3(mt, vin, vout);
   len >>= 1; // we process two vectors at a time

   __asm {
      mov         esi, vin
      mov         edi, vout
      mov         ecx, len

      // load columns of matrix into xmm4-7
      mov         edx, row0
      movaps   xmm4, [edx]
      movaps   xmm5, [edx+0x10]
      movaps   xmm6, [edx+0x20]
      movaps   xmm7, [edx+0x30]

      // process x
      movss      xmm1, [esi+0x00]
      movss      xmm3, [esi+0x10]
      shufps   xmm1, xmm1, 0x00
      prefetchnta   [esi+0x30]
      shufps   xmm3, xmm3, 0x00
      mulps      xmm1, xmm4
      prefetchnta [edi+0x30]
      mulps      xmm3, xmm4

      // process y
      movss      xmm0, [esi+0x04]
      movss      xmm2, [esi+0x14]
      shufps   xmm0, xmm0, 0x00
      shufps   xmm2, xmm2, 0x00
      mulps      xmm0, xmm5
      mulps      xmm2, xmm5
      addps      xmm1, xmm0
      addps      xmm3, xmm2

      // process z
      movss      xmm0, [esi+0x08]
      movss      xmm2, [esi+0x18]
      shufps   xmm0, xmm0, 0x00
      shufps   xmm2, xmm2, 0x00
      mulps      xmm0, xmm6
      mulps      xmm2, xmm6
      addps      xmm1, xmm0
      addps      xmm3, xmm2

      // process w (hiding some pointer increments between the
      // multiplies)
      movss      xmm0, [esi+0x0C]
      movss      xmm2, [esi+0x1C]
      shufps   xmm0, xmm0, 0x00
      shufps   xmm2, xmm2, 0x00
      mulps      xmm0, xmm7
      add         esi, vecSize
      mulps      xmm2, xmm7
      add         edi, vecSize
      addps      xmm1, xmm0
      addps      xmm3, xmm2

      // write output vectors to memory, and loop
      movaps   [edi-0x20], xmm1
      movaps   [edi-0x10], xmm3
      dec         ecx
      jnz         BM5_START

// BatchTransform1 -- A modified version of BatchMultiply4 which makes
// an additional assumption about the vectors in vin: if each vector's
// 4th element (the homogenous coordinate w) is assumed to be 1.0 (as is
// the case for 3D vertices), we can eliminate a move, a shuffle and a
// multiply instruction.
// Performance: 17 cycles/vector
void BatchTransform1(Matrix4f &m, Vector4f *vin, Vector4f *vout, int len)
   // initializations in C++ land
   Matrix4f mt(m, Matrix4f::TRANSPOSE); // work from a
   float *row0 = mt.Ref();
   static const int vecSize = 2 * sizeof(Vector4f);
   // if there are an odd number of vectors, process the first one
   // separately and advance the pointers
   if (len & 0x1) {
      MatrixMultiply3(mt, vin, vout);
   len >>= 1; // we process two vectors at a time

   __asm {
      mov      esi, vin
      mov      edi, vout
      mov      ecx, len

      // load columns of matrix into xmm4-7
      mov      edx, row0
      movaps   xmm4, [edx]
      movaps   xmm5, [edx+0x10]
      movaps   xmm6, [edx+0x20]
      movaps   xmm7, [edx+0x30]

      // process x (hiding the prefetches in the delays)
      movss      xmm1, [esi+0x00]
      movss      xmm3, [esi+0x10]
      shufps   xmm1, xmm1, 0x00
      prefetchnta [edi+0x30]
      shufps   xmm3, xmm3, 0x00
      mulps      xmm1, xmm4
      prefetchnta   [esi+0x30]
      mulps      xmm3, xmm4

      // process y
      movss      xmm0, [esi+0x04]
      movss      xmm2, [esi+0x14]
      shufps   xmm0, xmm0, 0x00
      shufps   xmm2, xmm2, 0x00
      mulps      xmm0, xmm5
      mulps      xmm2, xmm5
      addps      xmm1, xmm0
      addps      xmm3, xmm2

      // process z (hiding some pointer arithmetic between
      // the multiplies)
      movss      xmm0, [esi+0x08]
      movss      xmm2, [esi+0x18]
      shufps   xmm0, xmm0, 0x00
      shufps   xmm2, xmm2, 0x00
      mulps      xmm0, xmm6
      add         esi, vecSize
      mulps      xmm2, xmm6
      add         edi, vecSize
      addps      xmm1, xmm0
      addps      xmm3, xmm2

      // process w
      addps      xmm1, xmm7
      addps      xmm3, xmm7

      // write output vectors to memory and loop
      movaps   [edi-0x20], xmm1
      movaps   [edi-0x10], xmm3
      dec         ecx
      jnz         BT2_START


I had a quick look at those, they seem to use AoS as well.. but i see so much hype about swizzle and SoA.. but I'm honestly at a loss to see how it helps ...


i don't know how you've made your 3D engine (imho it must be scary  :toothy)
BUT, with SSE+, you're in the industrial world ! you must have a global point of view, and not see task after task...
example, IF you transpose your matrix (an extra job made only once), you will be able to use :
(or something similar, depending of your needs, here for 4 points of a 3d objetc)
; load 4 points
movaps XMM1,OWORD PTR [edx] ; XMM1 = X2,Z1,Y1,X1
movaps XMM2,OWORD PTR [edx+16] ; XMM2 = Y3,X3,Z2,Y2
movaps XMM3,OWORD PTR [edx+32] ; XMM3 = Z4,Y4,X4,Z3
; substract position of the point of view
subps XMM1,OWORD PTR (_Workd3D_ PTR [esi])._Position_Vue_Plus_01_ ; subtract pov position povX,povZ,povY,povX to X2,Z1,Y1,X1
subps XMM2,OWORD PTR (_Workd3D_ PTR [esi])._Position_Vue_Plus_05_ ; subtract pov position povY,povX,povZ,povY to Y3,X3,Z2,Y2
subps XMM3,OWORD PTR (_Workd3D_ PTR [esi])._Position_Vue_Plus_09_ ; subtract pov position povZ,povY,povX,povZ to Z4,Y4,X4,Z3
; calc point 1...
pshufd XMM5,XMM1,0AAh ; XMM5 = Z1,Z1,Z1,Z1
pshufd XMM4,XMM1,055h ; XMM4 = Y1,Y1,Y1,Y1
pshufd XMM0,XMM1,000h ; XMM0 = X1,X1,X1,X1
mulps XMM0,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line1_ ; )multiply by our transposed matrix
mulps XMM4,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line2_ ; )
mulps XMM5,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line3_ ; )
addps XMM0,XMM4 ; ) add the results
addps XMM0,XMM5 ; )
; here XMM0 = _,Z1,Y1,X1
; calc point 2...
pshufd XMM5,XMM2,055h ; XMM3 = Z2,Z2,Z2,Z2
pshufd XMM4,XMM2,000h ; XMM1 = Y2,Y2,Y2,Y2
pshufd XMM1,XMM1,0FFh ; XMM1 = X2,X2,X2,X2
mulps XMM1,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line1_ ; )multiply by our transposed matrix
mulps XMM4,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line2_ ; )
mulps XMM5,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line3_ ; )
addps XMM1,XMM4 ; ) add the results
addps XMM1,XMM5 ; )
; here XMM1 = _,Z2,Y2,X2
; calc point 3...
pshufd XMM5,XMM3,000h ; XMM2 = Z3,Z3,Z3,Z3
pshufd XMM4,XMM2,0AAh ; XMM4 = X3,X3,X3,X3
pshufd XMM2,XMM2,0FFh ; XMM6 = Y3,Y3,Y3,Y3
mulps XMM2,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line2_ ; )
mulps XMM4,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line1_ ; )multiply by our transposed matrix
mulps XMM5,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line3_ ; )
addps XMM2,XMM4 ; ) add the results
addps XMM2,XMM5 ; )
; here XMM2 = _,Z3,Y3,X3
; calc point 4...
pshufd XMM5,XMM3,0AAh ; XMM5 = Y4,Y4,Y4,Y4
pshufd XMM4,XMM3,055h ; XMM3 = X4,X4,X4,X4
pshufd XMM3,XMM3,0FFh ; XMM7 = Z4,Z4,Z4,Z4
mulps XMM3,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line3_ ; )
mulps XMM4,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line1_ ; )multiply by our transposed matrix
mulps XMM5,OWORD PTR (_Object3D_ PTR [edi])._Matrix_._Line2_ ; )
addps XMM3,XMM4 ; ) add the results
addps XMM3,XMM5 ; )
; here XMM3 = _,Z4,Y4,X4

johnsa & dedndave, IF you look how the net idiots do their stuff, you will be influenced and will not go very far... just my 2 cts....


we have to start someplace, NightWare - lol
but, i have always been a big fan of Hank Ford