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Started by ecube, August 12, 2009, 02:31:37 AM

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i'm trying to use this formula to convert an ip, and I got it to work but only temporarly as the numbers generated seem to be too large for a dword

;here's the formula

to convert into 404232216

404232216 = 16777216*24 + 65536*24 + 256*24 + 24

any help would be much appreciated, thanks.


nevermind ill try with the FPUlib first.

Strobe Raver

Go for it buddy  :green2


no math needed - it almost does itself - the first appearing in the string is the highest ordered byte

IPA_0       db      0FEh  ;254
IPA_1       db      0FDh  ;253
IPA_2       db      0FCh  ;252
IPA_3       db      0FBh  ;251
        mov     eax,dwIPAddress


no need to use a formula, simply shift to left each byte, something like :

mov eax,Part1
shl eax,8
mov edx,Part2
or eax,edx
shl eax,8
mov edx,Part3
or eax,edx
shl eax,8
mov edx,Part4
or eax,edx

or "or al,dl"


first, it is a string, so you have to convert ascii decimal (0 to 255) to a byte
he probably has that part (it appears so from his post)
why you wanna shift all that stuff ? - lol

        mov     al,part1
        mov     ah,part2
        bswap   eax
        mov     al,part4
        mov     ah,part3


problem is I still need the result as either a string or as an unsigned value I can wsprintf with. i'm getting negative numbers, becaue dwords not large enough, sadly fpulib mul function is crashin on me, i'm readin the docs, tryin to see whats up.


does it have to be wsprintf ? (i try not to use that one - lol - but it may be able to handle unsigned formats)

        print   uhex$(eax)  ;hexidecimal
        print   str$(eax)   ;decimal

in wsprintf, use the "u" character in the type format string to specify unsigned instead of "i" signed integer


I got it!! I was usin SRC1_DMEM instead of SRC1_DIMM for the dwords so it was crashing, thanks for all your help guys


*update yeah it had to be in string or unsigned as I was formattin it into a database query :)


        TITLE   "Large Integer Arithmetic"
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; You may only use this code if you agree to the terms of the Windows Research Kernel Source Code License agreement (see License.txt).
; If you do not agree to the terms, do not use the code.
; Module Name:
;    largeint.s
; Abstract:
;    This module implements routines for performing extended integer
;    arithmetic.

include            ; calling convention macros

        EXTRNP  _RtlRaiseStatus, 1


        page ,132
        subttl  "RtlLargeIntegerAdd"
; RtlLargeIntegerAdd (
;    IN LARGE_INTEGER Addend1,
;    )
; Routine Description:
;    This function adds a signed large integer to a signed large integer and
;    returns the signed large integer result.
; Arguments:
;    (TOS+4) = Addend1 - first addend value
;    (TOS+12) = Addend2 - second addend value
; Return Value:
;    The large integer result is stored in (edx:eax)

cPublicProc _RtlLargeIntegerAdd ,4
cPublicFpo 4,0

        mov     eax,[esp]+4             ; (eax)=add1.low
        add     eax,[esp]+12            ; (eax)=sum.low
        mov     edx,[esp]+8             ; (edx)=add1.hi
        adc     edx,[esp]+16            ; (edx)=sum.hi
        stdRET    _RtlLargeIntegerAdd

stdENDP _RtlLargeIntegerAdd

        subttl  "Enlarged Integer Multiply"
; RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply (
;    IN LONG Multiplicand,
;    IN LONG Multiplier
;    )
; Routine Description:
;    This function multiplies a signed integer by an signed integer and
;    returns a signed large integer result.
; Arguments:
;    (TOS+4) = Factor1
;    (TOS+8) = Factor2
; Return Value:
;    The large integer result is stored in (edx:eax)

cPublicProc __RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply ,2
cPublicFpo 2,0

        mov     eax,[esp]+4             ; (eax) = factor1
        imul    dword ptr [esp]+8       ; (edx:eax) = signed result
        stdRET    __RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply

stdENDP __RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply

        subttl  "Enlarged Unsigned Integer Multiply"
; RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply (
;    IN ULONG Multiplicand,
;    IN ULONG Multiplier
;    )
; Routine Description:
;    This function multiplies an un signed integer by an unsigned integer and
;    returns a signed large integer result.
; Arguments:
;    (TOS+4) = Factor1
;    (TOS+8) = Factor2
; Return Value:
;    The large integer result is stored in (edx:eax)

cPublicProc __RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply ,2
cPublicFpo 2,0

        mov     eax,[esp]+4             ; (eax) = factor1
        mul     dword ptr [esp]+8       ; (edx:eax) = unsigned result
        stdRET    __RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply

stdENDP __RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply

        subttl  "Enlarged Unsigned Integer Divide"

; RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide (
;    IN ULARGE_INTEGER Dividend,
;    IN ULONG Divisor,
;    IN PULONG Remainder
;    )
; Routine Description:
;    This function divides an unsigned large integer by an unsigned long
;    and returns the resultant quotient and optionally the remainder.
; Arguments:
;    Dividend - Supplies the dividend value.
;    Divisor - Supplies the divisor value.
;    Remainder - Supplies an optional pointer to a variable that
;        receives the remainder.
; Return Value:
;    The unsigned long integer quotient is returned as the function value.

cPublicProc __RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide,4
cPublicFpo 4,0

        mov     eax, [esp+4]            ; (eax) = Dividend.LowPart
        mov     edx, [esp+8]            ; (edx) = Dividend.HighPart
        mov     ecx, [esp+16]           ; (ecx) = pRemainder
        div     dword ptr [esp+12]      ; divide by Divisor

        or      ecx, ecx                ; return remainder?
        jnz     short @f

        stdRET    __RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide    ; (eax) = Quotient

align 4
@@:     mov     [ecx], edx              ; save remainder
        stdRET    __RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide    ; (eax) = Quotient

stdENDP __RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide

        subttl  "Extended Large Integer Divide"

; RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide (
;     IN LARGE_INTEGER Dividend,
;     IN ULONG Divisor,
;     )
; Routine Description:
;     This routine divides an unsigned 64 bit dividend by a 32 bit divisor
;     and returns a 64-bit quotient, and optionally the 32-bit remainder.
; Arguments:
;     Dividend - Supplies the 64 bit dividend for the divide operation.
;     Divisor - Supplies the 32 bit divisor for the divide operation.
;     Remainder - Supplies an optional pointer to a variable which receives
;         the remainder
; Return Value:
;     The 64-bit quotient is returned as the function value.

cPublicProc _RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide, 4
cPublicFpo 4,3

        push    esi
        push    edi
        push    ebx

        mov     eax, [esp+16]       ; (eax) = Dividend.LowPart
        mov     edx, [esp+20]       ; (edx) = Dividend.HighPart

lid00:  mov     ebx, [esp+24]       ; (ebx) = Divisor
        or      ebx, ebx
        jz      short lid_zero      ; Attempted a divide by zero

        push    ebp

        mov     ecx, 64             ; Loop count
        xor     esi, esi            ; Clear partial remainder

; (edx:eax) = Dividend
; (ebx) = Divisor
; (ecx) = Loop count
; (esi) = partial remainder

align 4
lid10:  shl     eax, 1              ; (LowPart << 1)  | 0
        rcl     edx, 1              ; (HighPart << 1) | CF
        rcl     esi, 1              ; (Partial << 1)  | CF

        sbb     edi, edi            ; clone CF into edi (0 or -1)

        cmp     esi, ebx            ; check if partial remainder less then divisor
        sbb     ebp, ebp            ; clone CF intp ebp
        or      edi, ebp            ; merge with remainder of high bit

        sub     eax, edi            ; merge quotient bit
        and     edi, ebx            ; Select divisor or 0
        sub     esi, edi

        dec     ecx                 ; dec iteration count
        jnz     short lid10         ; go around again

        pop     ebp
        pop     ebx
        pop     edi

        mov     ecx, [esp+20]       ; (ecx) = Remainder
        or      ecx, ecx
        jnz     short lid20

        pop     esi
        stdRET  _RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide

align 4
        mov     [ecx], esi          ; store remainder
        pop     esi
        stdRET  _RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide

        stdCall _RtlRaiseStatus, <STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO>

        pop     ebx
        pop     edi
        pop     esi
        stdRET  _RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide

stdENDP     _RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide

        subttl  "Extended Magic Divide"
; RtlExtendedMagicDivide (
;    IN LARGE_INTEGER Dividend,
;    IN LARGE_INTEGER MagicDivisor,
;    IN CCHAR ShiftCount
;    )
; Routine Description:
;    This function divides a signed large integer by an unsigned large integer
;    and returns the signed large integer result. The division is performed
;    using reciprocal multiplication of a signed large integer value by an
;    unsigned large integer fraction which represents the most significant
;    64-bits of the reciprocal divisor rounded up in its least significant bit
;    and normalized with respect to bit 63. A shift count is also provided
;    which is used to truncate the fractional bits from the result value.
; Arguments:
;   (ebp+8) = Dividend
;   (ebp+16) = MagicDivisor value is a 64-bit multiplicative reciprocal
;   (ebp+24) = ShiftCount - Right shift adjustment value.
; Return Value:
;    The large integer result is stored  in (edx:eax)

RemdDiv     equ [ebp+8]             ; Dividend
RemdRec     equ [ebp+16]            ; Reciprocal (magic divisor)
RemdShift   equ [ebp+24]
RemdTmp1    equ [ebp-4]
RemdTmp2    equ [ebp-8]
RemdTmp3    equ [ebp-12]

cPublicProc _RtlExtendedMagicDivide ,5

        push    ebp
        mov     ebp,esp
        sub     esp,12
        push    esi

        mov     esi, RemdDiv+4
        test    esi,80000000h
        jz      remd10                  ; no sign, no need to negate

        neg     dword ptr RemdDiv+4
        neg     dword ptr RemdDiv
        sbb     dword ptr RemdDiv+4,0   ; negate

remd10: mov     eax,RemdRec
        mul     dword ptr RemdDiv       ; (edx:eax) = Div.lo * Rec.lo
        mov     RemdTmp1,edx

        mov     eax,RemdRec
        mul     dword ptr RemdDiv+4     ; (edx:eax) = Div.hi * Rec.lo
        mov     RemdTmp2,eax
        mov     RemdTmp3,edx

        mov     eax,RemdRec+4
        mul     dword ptr RemdDiv       ; (edx:eax) = Div.lo * Rec.hi

;   Col 0 doesn't matter
;   Col 1 = Hi(Div.lo * Rec.lo) + Low(Div.Hi * Rec.lo) + Low(Div.lo * Rec.hi)
;         = RemdTmp1 + RemdTmp2 + eax
;         -> Only want carry from Col 1

        xor     ecx,ecx                 ; (ecx) = 0
        add     eax,RemdTmp1
        adc     ecx, 0                  ; save carry in ecx
        add     eax,RemdTmp2
        adc     ecx, 0                  ; Save Carry, all we want from Col2

        mov     RemdTmp1,edx

        mov     eax,RemdRec+4
        mul     dword ptr RemdDiv+4     ; (edx:eax) = Div.Hi * Rec.Hi

;   TOS = carry flag from Col 1
;   Col 2 = Col1 CF +
;           Hi(Div.Hi * Rec.Lo) + Hi(Div.Lo * Rec.Hi) + Low(Div.Hi * Rec.Hi)
;         = CF + RemdTmp3 + RemdTmp1 + eax
;   Col 3 = Col2 CF + Hi(Div.Hi * Rec.Hi)
;         = CF + edx

        add     eax,RemdTmp1
        adc     edx, 0                  ; add carry to edx
        add     eax,RemdTmp3            ; (eax) = col 2
        adc     edx, 0                  ; add carry to edx
        add     eax, ecx
        adc     edx, 0                  ; (edx) = col 3

;   (edx:eax) = the high 64 bits of the multiply, shift it right by
;               shift count to discard bits to right of virtual decimal pt.
;   RemdShift could be as large as 63 and still not 0 the result, 386
;   will only shift 31 bits at a time, so must do the sift multiple
;   times to get correct effect.

        mov     cl,RemdShift
remd20: cmp     cl,31
        jbe     remd30
        sub     cl,31
        shrd    eax,edx,31
        shr     edx,31
        jmp     remd20

remd30: shrd    eax,edx,cl
        shr     edx,cl

;   Negate the result if need be

        test    esi,80000000h
        jz      remd40                  ; no sign, go return without negate

        neg     edx
        neg     eax
        sbb     edx,0

;   Store the result

        ; results in (edx:eax)

        pop     esi
        mov     esp,ebp
        pop     ebp
        stdRET    _RtlExtendedMagicDivide

stdENDP _RtlExtendedMagicDivide

        subttl  "Extended Integer Multiply"
; RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply (
;    IN LARGE_INTEGER Multiplicand,
;    IN ULONG Multiplier
;    )
; Routine Description:
;    This function multiplies a signed large integer by a signed integer and
;    returns the signed large integer result.
; Arguments:
;   (ebp+8,12)=multiplican (MCAN)
;   (ebp+16)=multiplier (MPER)
; Return Value:
;    The large integer result is stored in (edx:eax)

ReimMCAN    equ <dword ptr [ebp+8]>
ReimMPER    equ <dword ptr [ebp+16]>

cPublicProc _RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply ,3

        push    ebp
        mov     ebp,esp
        push    esi

        mov     esi,ReimMPER
        xor     esi,ReimMCAN+4              ; (esi) = result sign

        test    ReimMCAN+4,80000000h
        jz      short reim10                ; MCAN pos, go look at MPER

        neg     dword ptr ReimMCAN+4
        neg     dword ptr ReimMCAN
        sbb     dword ptr ReimMCAN+4,0      ; negate multiplican

reim10: test    ReimMPER,80000000h
        jz      short reim20                ; MPER pos, go do multiply

        neg     dword ptr ReimMPER          ; negate multiplier

reim20: mov     eax,ReimMPER
        mul     dword ptr ReimMCAN          ; (edx:eax) = MPER * MCAN.low
        push    edx
        mov     ecx, eax
        mov     eax,ReimMPER
        mul     dword ptr ReimMCAN+4        ; (edx:eax) = MPER * MCAN.high
        add     eax,[esp]                   ; (eax) = hi part of MPER*MCAN.low
                                            ;   plus low part of MPER*MCAN.hi

        test    esi,80000000h
        jz      short reim30                ; result sign is OK, go return

        neg     eax
        neg     ecx
        sbb     eax,0                       ; negate result

reim30: add     esp,4                       ; clean eax off stack
        pop     esi                         ; restore nonvolatile reg
        mov     edx,eax                     ; (edx:ecx) = result
        mov     eax,ecx                     ; (edx:eax) = result

        pop     ebp
        stdRET    _RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply

stdENDP _RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply

        subttl  "Large Integer Shift Left"
; RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft (
;     IN LARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger,
;     IN CCHAR ShiftCount
;     )
; Routine Description:
;     This routine does a left logical shift of a large integer by a
;     specified amount (ShiftCount) modulo 64.
; Arguments:
;     LargeInteger - Supplies the large integer to be shifted
;     ShiftCount - Supplies the left shift count
; Return Value:
;     LARGE_INTEGER - Receives the shift large integer result
cPublicProc _RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft,3
cPublicFpo 3,0

        mov     ecx, [esp+12]           ; (ecx) = ShiftCount
        and     ecx, 3fh                ; mod 64

        cmp     ecx, 32
        jnc     short sl10
;  Shift count is less then 32 bits.
        mov     eax, [esp+4]            ; (eax) = LargeInteger.LowPart
        mov     edx, [esp+8]            ; (edx) = LargeInteger.HighPart
        shld    edx, eax, cl
        shl     eax, cl

        stdRET  _RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft

align 4
;  Shift count is greater than or equal 32 bits - low half of result is zero,
;  high half is the low half shifted left by remaining count.
        mov     edx, [esp+4]            ; (edx) = LargeInteger.LowPart
        xor     eax, eax                ; store lowpart
        shl     edx, cl                 ; store highpart

        stdRET  _RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft

stdENDP _RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft

        subttl  "Large Integer Shift Right"

;RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight (
;    IN LARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger,
;    IN CCHAR ShiftCount
;    )
;Routine Description:
;    This routine does a right logical shift of a large integer by a
;    specified amount (ShiftCount) modulo 64.
;    LargeInteger - Supplies the large integer to be shifted
;    ShiftCount - Supplies the right shift count
;Return Value:
;    LARGE_INTEGER - Receives the shift large integer result
cPublicProc _RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight,3
cPublicFpo 3,0

        mov     ecx, [esp+12]           ; (ecx) = ShiftCount
        and     ecx, 3fh                ; mod 64

        cmp     ecx, 32
        jnc     short sr10

;  Shift count is less then 32 bits.
        mov     eax, [esp+4]            ; (eax) = LargeInteger.LowPart
        mov     edx, [esp+8]            ; (edx) = LargeInteger.HighPart
        shrd    eax, edx, cl
        shr     edx, cl

        stdRET  _RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight

align 4
;  Shift count is greater than or equal 32 bits - high half of result is zero,
;  low half is the high half shifted right by remaining count.
        mov     eax, [esp+8]            ; (eax) = LargeInteger.HighPart
        xor     edx, edx                ; store highpart
        shr     eax, cl                 ; store lowpart

        stdRET  _RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight

stdENDP _RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight

;RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift (
;    IN LARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger,
;    IN CCHAR ShiftCount
;    )
;Routine Description:
;    This routine does a right arithmetic shift of a large integer by a
;    specified amount (ShiftCount) modulo 64.
;    LargeInteger - Supplies the large integer to be shifted
;    ShiftCount - Supplies the right shift count
;Return Value:
;    LARGE_INTEGER - Receives the shift large integer result
cPublicProc _RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift,3
cPublicFpo 3,0

        mov     ecx, [esp+12]           ; (ecx) = ShiftCount
        and     ecx, 3fh                ; mod 64

        cmp     ecx, 32
        jc      short sar10

;  Shift count is greater than or equal 32 bits - high half of result is sign
;  bit, low half is the high half shifted right by remaining count.
        mov     eax, [esp+8]            ; (eax) = LargeInteger.HighPart
        sar     eax, cl                 ; store highpart
        bt      eax, 31                 ; sign bit set?
        sbb     edx, edx                ; duplicate sign bit into highpart

        stdRET  _RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift

align 4
;  Shift count is less then 32 bits.
        mov     eax, [esp+4]            ; (eax) = LargeInteger.LowPart
        mov     edx, [esp+8]            ; (edx) = LargeInteger.HighPart
        shrd    eax, edx, cl
        sar     edx, cl

        stdRET  _RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift

stdENDP _RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift,3

        subttl  "Large Integer Negate"
; RtlLargeIntegerNegate (
;    IN LARGE_INTEGER Subtrahend
;    )
; Routine Description:
;    This function negates a signed large integer and returns the signed
;    large integer result.
; Arguments:
;   (TOS+4) = Subtrahend
; Return Value:
;    The large integer result is stored in (edx:eax)

cPublicProc _RtlLargeIntegerNegate  ,2
cPublicFpo 2,0

        mov     eax,[esp]+4             ; (eax) = lo
        mov     edx,[esp]+8
        neg     edx                     ; (edx) = 2's comp of hi part
        neg     eax                     ; if ((eax) == 0) CF = 0
                                        ; else CF = 1
        sbb     edx,0                   ; (edx) = (edx) - CF
                                        ; (edx:eax) = result
        stdRET    _RtlLargeIntegerNegate

stdENDP _RtlLargeIntegerNegate

        subttl  "Large Integer Subtract"
; RtlLargeIntegerSubtract (
;    IN LARGE_INTEGER Minuend,
;    IN LARGE_INTEGER Subtrahend
;    )
; Routine Description:
;    This function subtracts a signed large integer from a signed large
;    integer and returns the signed large integer result.
; Arguments:
;    (TOS+4) = Minuend
;    (TOS+12) = Subtrahend
; Return Value:
;    The large integer result is stored in (edx:eax)

cPublicProc _RtlLargeIntegerSubtract    ,4
cPublicFpo 4,0

        mov     eax,[esp]+4
        sub     eax,[esp]+12            ; (eax) = result.low
        mov     edx,[esp]+8
        sbb     edx,[esp]+16            ; (edx) = result.high
        stdRET    _RtlLargeIntegerSubtract

stdENDP _RtlLargeIntegerSubtract

        subttl  "Convert Long to Large Integer"
; RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger (
;     IN LONG SignedInteger
;     )
; Routine Description:
;     This function converts the input signed integer to a signed large
;     integer and returns the latter as the result.
; Arguments:
;   (TOS+4) = SignedInteger
; Return Value:
;    The large integer result is stored (edx:eax)

cPublicProc ___RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger   ,1
cPublicFpo 1,0

        mov     eax,[esp]+4             ; (eax) = SignedInteger
        cdq                             ; (edx:eax) = signed LargeInt
        stdRET    ___RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger

stdENDP ___RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger

        subttl  "Convert Ulong to Large Integer"
; RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger (
;     IN LONG UnsignedInteger
;     )
; Routine Description:
;     This function converts the input unsigned integer to a signed large
;     integer and returns the latter as the result.
; Arguments:
;   (TOS+4) = UnsignedInteger
; Return Value:
;    The large integer result is stored in (edx:eax)

cPublicProc ___RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger  ,1
cPublicFpo 1,0

        mov     eax,[esp]+4             ; store low
        xor     edx,edx                 ; store 0 in high
        stdRET    ___RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger

stdENDP ___RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger

_TEXT$00   ends



holy crap, that's a lot of damn code to display an IPA  :eek


i can gear this back to 32-bit if you like

include \masm32\include\


AscBuf  DB      '01234567890123456789',0  ;20 ASCII digits + term



_main   PROC

        mov     eax,0FFFFFFFFh
        mov     edx,eax
        call    Asc64
        print   edx
        print   chr$(13,10)
        inkey   "Press any key to exit"

_main   ENDP


Asc64   PROC

;Asc64 by DednDave
;Convert 64-bit unsigned integer to ASCII decimal string
;this represents the "standard" method with only the AAM enhancement added
;this is my current version - to be improved upon
;it uses multiple-precision division by 100, then uses AAM to convert 2 digits at once
;converting 2 digits per loop pass is faster, of course (half as many loop passes)
;plus it yields a hidden advantage when it comes time to suppress a leading zero
;i.e. if the result is "0", no need to test for anti-suppression
;Call With: EDX:EAX = QWORD value to convert
;           AScBuf is a 20-byte buffer, terminated with a null (21 bytes total)
;  Returns: EDX = offset into AscBuf of first numchar

        push    edi
        mov     edi,offset AscBuf+18
        mov     ecx,edx
        push    esi
        xchg    eax,esi
        push    ebx
        mov     ebx,100

Asc64a: xor     edx,edx
        xchg    eax,ecx
        div     ebx
        xchg    eax,ecx
        xchg    eax,esi
        div     ebx
        xchg    eax,esi
        xchg    eax,edx
        xchg    al,ah
        or      ax,3030h
        mov     eax,ecx
        or      eax,esi
        jnz     Asc64a

        pop     ebx
        inc     edi
        pop     esi
        inc     edi
        mov     edx,edi
        pop     edi
        cmp byte ptr [edx],30h       ;leading 0 ?
        jz      Asc64b               ;yes - supress it

        ret                          ;no - done

Asc64b: inc     edx

Asc64   ENDP


        END     _main