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Mod player (uFMOD)

Started by FlySky, August 14, 2009, 09:43:33 AM

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Hey guys,

Not really having a programming question. I was wondering if there is any music player for goasm. uFMOD for example can play .xm files small music files, but the source I found is for MASM which isn't having the GoASM syntax. Anyone of you guys know about a translation?




You thought about converting it yourself? Jeremy has a tool somewhere to convert masm code to GoASM minus the macros I believe, but its not hard to do manually.


Hey there, I think I convert a lot without probs, but not sure about the Library ufMOD uses. It uses an .lib file for masm.

I will start converting I will share the end result with you guys.


GoAsm supports static libraries, there should be no problem using the lib with GoAsm. Gennerally if you put the lib in the same folder as the asm file you would just specify the lib name in a call to functions it contains:

invoke somelibrary.lib:somelibfunction, param1, param2

The way I generally do it is to set up aliases for the lib functions

somelibfunction equ somelibrary.lib:somelibfunction

invoke somelibfunction, param1, param2

The only place you would have a problem is where one static library references a variable or function in another static library, GoAsm does not support this.

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