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why console subsystem slower

Started by thomas_remkus, July 31, 2009, 07:13:31 PM

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I'm working from 'quesstimations' because I don't have any timing code. The "AllocConsole" is interesting so I'll try that.

I'll put the keypress in there and see how that works. Uh, "chalk and cheese" ... fantastic. I think what you are saying is that once the console portion is loaded all the other code should run with the same performance.


MichaelW wrote the timing macros we use
they are available in the first post of the first thread of the Laboratory sub-forum

        INCLUDE \masm32\include\
        INCLUDE \masm32\macros\timers.asm

notice that .686 is needed prior to the timers (i think 586 works, too)

you need to define a loop count
once you get the program running, try to adjust it so the loop test takes roughly 1/2 second (usually gives repeatable readings)

LOOP_COUNT = 100000

it is a good idea to restrict execution to a single core - this works on single-core and multi-core machines

        INVOKE  GetCurrentProcess
        INVOKE  SetProcessAffinityMask,eax,1

use HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS for most testing
when it is done, the EAX register holds the cycle count

        counter_begin LOOP_COUNT,HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS

; place your test code here


        print   str$(eax),9,"clock cycles",13,10