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Get available video memory

Started by Astro, March 02, 2010, 11:52:17 PM

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I've got a 7 sreies GeForce card, and I'm trying to get the video memory available on it (total, free and used).

I downloaded the latest DX SDK and tried a sample in there that apparently provides texture memory free, but on my card it reports a video memory size of 2288 Mb free with FSX running, and 2293 Mb free when it is not running. I know my card only has 512 Mb of RAM, and the memory usage value seemed rather low.

Does anyone know of any way to interrogate the card or the drivers? I'm running standard nVidia drivers, V169.25.

I've not dug into the SDK yet, but the sample doesn't make it look too promising. :(

Best regards,


I cant see any other option except you filled the video memory until it return memory insufficient return value.
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I think you would need to use WMI.


Wrong forum my friend.
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Quote from: Greg Lyon on March 04, 2010, 04:20:30 AM
I think you would need to use WMI.

Yup, I agree with Greg, the Win32_VideoController class would be a good place to start:
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