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crt__kbhit deadlock ??

Started by Ficko, July 23, 2009, 08:32:43 PM

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yes - i am just finishing a demo program
it uses multiple consoles and stationary display updates
i even managed to tame the orignal console upon returning to it
i am cleaning it up and i want to comment it before i post it in this thread
it will give us something to demonstrate a few of the console mode bugs, i think
maybe we can work together and find some solutions........


ok - here it is ! - lol  :bg
the program that does it all, and yet, does very little
it demonstrates a few ways to make the console fancier than the scrolling white text, then terminate, that we all know and love
it uses no crt or masm32 libraries or macros
it can create any number of new consoles, then return to the original and make that one still usable, too (that was tricky - lol)
it can also be used to demonstrate some of the console bugs i was talking about
this is version 1 - no buffer fixes added, yet
should be a good program for n00bies who want to learn their way around the console

[attachment deleted by admin]



i'm glad you like it Jochen - thank you
i hope there is stuff in there everyone can make use of
i even tried to use ebp instead of esp - lol - just to make the code copy/paste-able



   Tried it out and got an error popup.

CONDEMO1.EXE - Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point AttachConsole could not be located
in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll.

   Version problems?


Steve N.


it must be - hmmmmmm
i am using xp mce 2005
QuoteTo compile an application that uses this function, define _WIN32_WINNT as 0x0501 or later
i did not do that, of course - lol
it is supported on xp and server 2003
you could rem that line out and put an ExitProcess there
it re-attaches the original console
when you return to the original console, it will be unusable - just exit


here you go, Steve
i modified this one for Win2K

[attachment deleted by admin]


You forgot the attachment!  :bdg

Best regards,



Works fine, thanks.  :U


Quote from: dedndave on July 27, 2009, 11:29:55 PM
here you go, Steve
i modified this one for Win2K


   This one does work.  Very nice.

Thank you,

Steve N.