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help commenting code

Started by gammaman, June 05, 2009, 04:12:31 PM

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Thanks, I will let you know how I make out tomorrow.


Ok I fixed those errors and got the program to assemble.  Next I linked the program and got the .obj file.  However when I went to run the .exe I received 2 more errors.

CRLF - unresolved external
WRITEINT - unresolved external


yah - those are in a library someplace ?
you need to link with that library or obj file

up near the top, you want to add....

        includelib fierro.lib


actually, I opened a new dos window and tried running the program again.  This time I got no errors but received the black screen of death.


see the previous post
the writeint is a routine that converts binary to base ten (i guess)
CRLF is a carraige return/line-feed
you can see they are declared as externals


does the include go before the data, before the code, somewhere else at the top?


yes - before the data
i would move the extrn's up there also


Ok I think it is working now.  the output is

10 20 30 40 60 70 80 90.

The number 50 was removed from the list.


if you use the includelib, you may not need the extrns
the difference is, with includelib, the assembler puts info in the OBJ file about where to find them
without includelib, you have to specify the obj when you link

link programname.obj+fierro.obj

something like that


cool - lol
now - the prof is gonna want your fixed version for the next semesters class - lol


LOL, funny you mentioned that.  Well actually as I mentioned eariler, this is only an undergraduate prerequisit for me becasue my undergrad was not computer science.  Next semester I am signed up for CSCI 641 which is graduate leve computer architecture.  The class I am taking now is a prerequist for that.  So it sounds to me like I will be visiting here often for some much needed guidance.


well - your new prof will probably know assembler
that will help, but it will also mean he will want you to learn
if you google Iczelion's Tutorials - a good place to start
if i were you, i'd be a step ahead of the game and play with it a little before you get to 600 level class
also - learn 32-bit code
16-bit code is quickly becoming a thing of the past


well I only have another two weeks of this class and that gives me the rest of the summer to work on it.


you know what else is funny.  CSCI641, Graduate computer architecture is the only hardware class I am forced to take in my MS.  the rest of the courses are all software.


Now back to that annoying logic diagram.